Upper Critical Fields and Anisotropy of Ca1-xLaxFe2As2 Single Crystals

Abstract in English

Superconductivity of Ca1-xLaxFe2As2 single crystals with various doping level were investigated via electromagnetic measurements for out-plane (H//c) and in-plane (H//ab) directions. Obvious double superconducting transitions, which can survive in magnetic fields up to several Tesla, were observed in the medium-doped (x = 0.13) sample. Two kinds of distinct Hc2 phase diagrams were established for the low superconducting phase with Tc lower than 15 K and the high superconducting phase with Tc of over 40 K, respectively. Both the two kinds of phase diagrams exist in the medium-doped sample. Unusual upward curvature near Tc was observed in Hc2 phase diagrams and analyzed in detail. Temperature dependences of anisotropy for different doping concentrations were obtained and compared. Both superconducting phases manifest extremely large anisotropies, which may originate from the interface or intercalation superconductivity.
