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Colour octet potential to three loops

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is English

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We consider the interaction between two static sources in the colour octet configuration and compute the potential to three loops. Special emphasis is put on the treatment of pinch contributions and two methods are applied to reduce their evaluation to diagrams without pinches.

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The discovery of colour-kinematics duality has allowed great progress in our understanding of the UV structure of gravity. However, it has proven difficult to find numerators which satisfy colour-kinematics duality in certain cases. We discuss obstacles to building a set of such numerators in the context of the five-gluon amplitude with all helicities positive at two loops. We are able to overcome the obstacles by adding more loop momentum to our numerator to accommodate tension between the values of certain cuts and the symmetries of certain diagrams. At the same time, we maintain control over the size of our ansatz by identifying a highly constraining but desirable symmetry property of our master numerator. The resulting numerators have twelve powers of loop momenta rather than the seven one would expect from the Feynman rules.
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We discuss the non-perturbative computation and interpretation of a colour adjoint static potential based on Wilson loops with generator insertions. Numerical lattice results for SU(2) gauge theory are presented and compared to corresponding perturbative results.
In this paper we compute the three-loop corrections to the beta functions of the three gauge couplings in the Standard Model of particle physics using the minimal subtraction scheme and taking into account Yukawa and Higgs self couplings.
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We derive for deep-inelastic neutrino-proton scattering in the combination nu P - nubar P the perturbative QCD corrections to three loops for the charged current structure functions F_2, F_L and F_3. In leading twist approximation we calculate the first five odd-integer Mellin moments in the case of F_2 and F_L and the first five even-integer moments in the case of F_3. As a new result we obtain the coefficient functions to O(alpha_s^3) while the corresponding anomalous dimensions agree with known results in the literature.
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