Complex-band-structure eigenvalue method adapted to Floquet systems: topological superconducting wires as a case study

Abstract in English

For systems that can be modeled as a single-particle lattice extended along a privileged direction as, e.g., quantum wires, the so-called eigenvalue method provides full information about the propagating and evanescent modes as a function of energy. This complex-band structure method can be applied either to lattices consisting of an infinite succession of interconnected layers described by the same local Hamiltonian or to superlattices: Systems in which the spatial periodicity involves more than one layer. Here, for time-dependent systems subject to a periodic driving, we present an adapted version of the superlattice scheme capable of obtaining the Floquet states and the Floquet quasienergy spectrum. Within this scheme the time periodicity is treated as existing along spatial dimension added to the original system. The solutions at a single energy for the enlarged artificial system provide the solutions of the original Floquet problem. The method is suited for arbitrary periodic excitations including strong and anharmonic drivings. We illustrate the capabilities of the methods for both time-independent and time-dependent systems by discussing: (a) topological superconductors in multimode quantum wires with spin-orbit interaction and (b) microwave driven quantum dot in contact with a topological superconductor.
