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Preheating in a DBI Inflation Model

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 Added by Jun Zhang
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We study the preheating process in a model of DBI inflation with a DBI-type inflaton coupling to a canonical entropy field. At the end of inflation, the inflaton field oscillates around its vacuum which can arise from an infrared cutoff parameter on the warp factor and correspondingly the evolution of its fluctuations can be approximately described by a generalized Hills equation in third order. We study the field fluctuations numerically and show that they could grow exponentially since the instability bands commonly exist in the DBI models if the amplitudes of background oscillations are of order or larger than the cutoff parameter. Our numerical result also reveals that the particle excitation of the matter field is more dramatic than that in usual case since the parametric resonance lasts longer when the effect of a warp factor is taken into account. Therefore, we conclude that the preheating process in the model of DBI inflation could be more efficient than that in standard inflation models.

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Plateau inflation is an experimentally consistent framework in which the scale of inflation can be kept relatively low. Close to the edge of the plateau, scalar perturbations are subject to a strong tachyonic instability. Tachyonic preheating is realized when, after inflation, the oscillating inflaton repeatedly re-enters the plateau. We develop the analytic theory of this process and expand the linear approach by including backreaction between the coherent background and growing perturbations. For a family of plateau models, the analytic predictions are confronted with numerical estimates. Our analysis shows that the inflaton fragments in a fraction of an $e$-fold in all examples supporting tachyonic preheating, generalizing the results of previous similar studies. In these scenarios, the scalar-to-tensor ratio is tiny, $r<10^{-7}$.
During the last ten years a detailed investigation of preheating was performed for chaotic inflation and for hybrid inflation. However, nonperturbative effects during reheating in the new inflation scenario remained practically unexplored. We do a full analysis of preheating in new inflation, using a combination of analytical and numerical methods. We find that the decay of the homogeneous component of the inflaton field and the resulting process of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the simplest models of new inflation usually occurs almost instantly: for the new inflation on the GUT scale it takes only about 5 oscillations of the field distribution. The decay of the homogeneous inflaton field is so efficient because of a combined effect of tachyonic preheating and parametric resonance. At that stage, the homogeneous oscillating inflaton field decays into a collection of waves of the inflaton field, with a typical wavelength of the order of the inverse inflaton mass. This stage usually is followed by a long stage of decay of the inflaton field into other particles, which can be described by the perturbative approach to reheating after inflation. The resulting reheating temperature typically is rather low.
We study preheating in the Palatini formalism with a quadratic inflaton potential and an added $alpha R^2$ term. In such models, the oscillating inflaton field repeatedly returns to the plateau of the Einstein frame potential, on which the tachyonic instability fragments the inflaton condensate within less than an e-fold. We find that tachyonic preheating takes place when $alpha gtrsim 10^{13}$ and that the energy density of the fragmented field grows with the rate $Gamma/H approx 0.011 times alpha^{0.31}$. The model extends the family of plateau models with similar preheating behaviour. Although it contains non-canonical quartic kinetic terms in the Einstein frame, we show that, in the first approximation, these can be neglected during both preheating and inflation.
We analyze and compare the multi-field dynamics during inflation and preheating in symmetric and asymmetric models of $alpha$-attractors, characterized by a hyperbolic field-space manifold. We show that the generalized (asymmetric) E- and (symmetric) T-models exhibit identical two-field dynamics during inflation for a wide range of initial conditions. The resulting motion can be decomposed in two approximately single-field segments connected by a sharp turn in field-space. The details of preheating can nevertheless be different. For the T-model one main mass-scale dominates the evolution of fluctuations of the spectator field, whereas for the E-model, a competing mass-scale emerges due to the steepness of the potential away from the inflationary plateau, leading to different contributions to parametric resonance for small and large wave-numbers. Our linear multi-field analysis of fluctuations indicates that for highly curved manifolds, both the E- and T-models preheat almost instantaneously. For massless fields this is always due to efficient tachyonic amplification of the spectator field, making single-field results inaccurate. Interestingly, there is a parameter window corresponding to $r={cal O}(10^{-5})$ and massive fields, where the preheating behavior is qualitatively and quantitatively different for symmetric and asymmetric potentials. In that case, the E-model can completely preheat due to self-resonance for values of the curvature where preheating in the T-model is inefficient. This provides a first distinguishing feature between models that otherwise behave identically, both at the single-field and multi-field level. Finally, we discuss how one can describe multi-field preheating on a hyperbolic manifold by identifying the relevant mass-scales that control the growth of inflaton and spectator fluctuations, which can be applied to any $alpha$-attractor model and beyond.
It is possible to couple Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) scalars possessing generalized Galilean internal shift symmetries (Galileons) to nonlinear massive gravity in four dimensions, in such a manner that the interactions maintain the Galilean symmetry. Such a construction is of interest because it is not possible to couple such fields to massless General Relativity in the same way. We show that this theory has the primary constraint necessary to eliminate the Boulware-Deser ghost, thus preserving the attractive properties of both the Galileons and ghost-free massive gravity.
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