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Herschel-SPIRE-Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of the nearby spiral galaxy IC342

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 Added by Dimitra Rigopoulou
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present observations of the nearby spiral galaxy IC342 with the Herschel Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) Fourier Transform Spectrometer. The spectral range afforded by SPIRE, 196-671 microns, allows us to access a number of 12CO lines from J=4--3 to J=13--12 with the highest J transitions observed for the first time. In addition we present measurements of 13CO, [CI] and [NII]. We use a radiative transfer code coupled with Bayesian likelihood analysis to model and constrain the temperature, density and column density of the gas. We find two 12CO components, one at 35 K and one at 400 K with CO column densities of 6.3x10^{17} cm^{-2} and 0.4x10^{17} cm^{-2} and CO gas masses of 1.26x10^{7} Msolar and 0.15x10^{7} Msolar, for the cold and warm components, respectively. The inclusion of the high-J 12CO line observations, indicate the existence of a much warmer gas component (~400 K) confirming earlier findings from H_{2} rotational line analysis from ISO and Spitzer. The mass of the warm gas is 10% of the cold gas, but it likely dominates the CO luminosity. In addition, we detect strong emission from [NII] 205microns and the {3}P_{1}->{3}P_{0} and {3}P_{2} ->{3}P_{1} [CI] lines at 370 and 608 microns, respectively. The measured 12CO line ratios can be explained by Photon-dominated region (PDR) models although additional heating by e.g. cosmic rays cannot be excluded. The measured [CI] line ratio together with the derived [C] column density of 2.1x10^{17} cm^{-2} and the fact that [CI] is weaker than CO emission in IC342 suggests that [CI] likely arises in a thin layer on the outside of the CO emitting molecular clouds consistent with PDRs playing an important role.

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The first complete submillimetre spectrum (190-670um) of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC1068 has been observed with the SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer onboard the {it Herschel} Space Observatory. The sequence of CO lines (Jup=4-13), lines from water, the fundamental rotational transition of HF, two o-H_2O+ lines and one line each from CH+ and OH+ have been detected, together with the two [CI] lines and the [NII]205um line. The observations in both single pointing mode with sparse image sampling and in mapping mode with full image sampling allow us to disentangle two molecular emission components, one due to the compact circum-nuclear disk (CND) and one from the extended region encompassing the star forming ring (SF-ring). Radiative transfer models show that the two CO components are characterized by density of n(H_2)=10^4.5 and 10^2.9 cm^-3 and temperature of T=100K and 127K, respectively. The comparison of the CO line intensities with photodissociation region (PDR) and X-ray dominated region (XDR) models, together with other observational constraints, such as the observed CO surface brightness and the radiation field, indicate that the best explanation for the CO excitation of the CND is an XDR with density of n(H_2) 10^4 cm^-3 and X-ray flux of 9 erg s^-1 cm^-2, consistent with illumination by the active galactic nucleus, while the CO lines in the SF-ring are better modeled by a PDR. The detected water transitions, together with those observed with the her sim PACS Spectrometer, can be modeled by an LVG model with low temperature (T_kin sim 40K) and high density (n(H_2) in the range 10^6.7-10^7.9 cm^-3).
A systematic programme of calibration observations was carried out to monitor the performance of the SPIRE FTS instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory. Observations of planets (including the prime point-source calibrator, Uranus), asteroids, line sources, dark sky, and cross-calibration sources were made in order to monitor repeatability and sensitivity, and to improve FTS calibration. We present a complete analysis of the full set of calibration observations and use them to assess the performance of the FTS. Particular care is taken to understand and separate out the effect of pointing uncertainties, including the position of the internal beam steering mirror for sparse observations in the early part of the mission. The repeatability of spectral line centre positions is <5km/s, for lines with signal-to-noise ratios >40, corresponding to <0.5-2.0% of a resolution element. For spectral line flux, the repeatability is better than 6%, which improves to 1-2% for spectra corrected for pointing offsets. The continuum repeatability is 4.4% for the SLW band and 13.6% for the SSW band, which reduces to ~1% once the data have been corrected for pointing offsets. Observations of dark sky were used to assess the sensitivity and the systematic offset in the continuum, both of which were found to be consistent across the FTS detector arrays. The average point-source calibrated sensitivity for the centre detectors is 0.20 and 0.21 Jy [1 sigma; 1 hour], for SLW and SSW. The average continuum offset is 0.40 Jy for the SLW band and 0.28 Jy for the SSW band.
343 - Chris S. Benson 2020
The ESA Herschel Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) Spectral Feature Finder (FF) project is an automated spectral feature fitting routine developed within the SPIRE instrument team to extract all prominent spectral features from all publicly available SPIRE FTS observations. In this work, we demonstrate the use of the FF information extracted from three observations of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 891 to measure the rotation of NII and CI gas at Far-infrared frequencies in complement to radio observations of the HI 21cm line and the CO(1-0) transition as well as optical measurements of Halpha. We find that measurements of both NII and CI gas follow a similar velocity profile to that of HI and Halpha showing a correlation between neutral and ionized regions of the interstellar medium (ISM) in the disk of NGC 891.
We present the data processing pipeline to generate calibrated data products from the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE) imaging Fourier Transform Spectrometer on the Herschel Space Observatory. The pipeline processes telemetry from SPIRE observations and produces calibrated spectra for all resolution modes. The spectrometer pipeline shares some elements with the SPIRE photometer pipeline, including the conversion of telemetry packets into data timelines and calculation of bolometer voltages. We present the following fundamental processing steps unique to the spectrometer: temporal and spatial interpolation of the scan mechanism and detector data to create interferograms; Fourier transformation; apodization; and creation of a data cube. We also describe the corrections for various instrumental effects including first- and second-level glitch identification and removal, correction of the effects due to emission from the Herschel telescope and from within the spectrometer instrument, interferogram baseline correction, temporal and spatial phase correction, non-linear response of the bolometers, and variation of instrument performance across the focal plane arrays. Astronomical calibration is based on combinations of observations of standard astronomical sources and regions of space known to contain minimal emission.
The Herschel SPIRE FTS Spectral Feature Finder (FF) detects significant spectral features within SPIRE spectra and employs two routines, and external references, to estimate source radial velocity. The first routine is based on the identification of rotational CO emission, the second cross-correlates detected features with a line template containing most of the characteristic lines in typical far infra-red observations. In this paper, we outline and validate these routines, summarise the results as they pertain to the FF, and comment on how external references were incorporated.
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