M dwarf catalog of LAMOST pilot survey

Abstract in English

We present a spectroscopic catalog of 67082 M dwarfs from the LAMOST pilot survey. For each spectrum of the catalog, spectral subtype, radial velocity, equivalent width of H${alpha}$, a number of prominent molecular band indices and the metal sensitive parameter $zeta$ are provided . Spectral subtype have been estimated by a remedied Hammer program (Original Hammer: Covey et al. 2007), in which indices are reselected to obtain more accurate auto-classified spectral subtypes. All spectra in this catalog have been visually inspected to confirm the spectral subtypes. Radial velocities have been well measured by our developed program which uses cross-correlation method and estimates uncertainty of radial velocity as well. We also examine the magnetic activity properties of M dwarfs traced by H${alpha}$ emission line. The molecular band indices included in this catalog are temperature or metallicity sensitive and can be used for future analysis of the physical properties of M dwarfs. The catalog is available on the website url{http://sciwiki.lamost.org/MCatalogPilot/}.
