Equations of motion for the D0-brane on AdS_4 x CP^3 superbackground are shown to be classically integrable by extending the argument previously elaborated for the massless superparticle model.
Lax representation is elaborated for the equations of motion of massless superparticle on the AdS_4 x CP^3 superbackground that proves their classical integrability.
We construct D-brane embeddings in AdS_4 x CP^3 by studying the consistency conditions following from the pull back of target space equations of motion. We explicitly discuss the supersymmetry preserved by these embeddings by analyzing the compatibility of kappa symmetry projections with the target space Killing spinors in each case. The embeddings correspond to AdS/dCFT dualities involving a CFT with a defect. We also comment on the defect CFT.
It is proved that when 8 fermions associated with the supersymmetries broken by the AdS_4 x CP^3 superbackground are gauged away by using the kappa-symmetry corresponding equations obtained by variation of the AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring action are contained in the set of fermionic equations of the OSp(4|6)/(SO(1,3) x U(3)) sigma-model.
The non-linear nature of string theory on non-trivial backgrounds related to the AdS/CFT correspondence suggests to look for simplifications. Two such simplifications proved to be useful in studying string theory. These are the pp-wave limit which describes point-like strings and the so called near flat space limit which connects two different sectors of string theory -- pp-waves and giant magnons. Recently another example of AdS/CFT duality emerged - $AdS_4/CFT_3$, which suggests duality between $mathcal N=6$ CS theory and superstring theory on $AdS_4times cp$. In this paper we study the near flat space limit of strings on the $AdS_4times cp$ background and discuss possible applications of the reduced theory.
Motivated by the isomorphism between osp(4|6) superalgebra and D=3 N=6 superconformal algebra we consider the superstring action on the AdS_4 x CP^3 background parametrized by D=3 N=6 super-Poincare and CP^3 coordinates supplemented by the coordinates corresponoding to dilatation and superconformal generators. It is also discussed the relation between the degeneracy of fermionic equations of motion and the action kappa-invariance in the framework of the supercoset approach.