Polymer plats and multicomponent anyon gases

Abstract in English

Anyon systems are studied in connection with several interesting applications including high $T_C$ superconductivity and topological quantum computing. In this work we show that these systems can be realized starting from directed polymers braided together to form a nontrivial link configuration belonging to the topological class of plats. The statistical sum of a such plat is related here to the partition function of a two-component anyon gas. The constraints that preserve the topological configuration of the plat are imposed on the polymer trajectories using the so-called Gauss linking number, a topological invariant that has already been well studied in polymer physics. Due to these constraints, short-range forces act on the monomers or, equivalently, on the anyon quasiparticles in a way that closely resembles the appearance of reaction forces in the constrained systems of classical mechanics. If the polymers are homogeneous, the anyon system reaches a self-dual point, in which these forces vanish exactly. A class of self-dual solutions that minimize the energy of the anyons is derived. The two anyon gas discussed here obeys an abelian statistics, while for quantum computing it is known that nonabelian anyons are necessary. However, this is a limitation due to the use of the Gauss linking invariant to impose the topological constraints, which is a poor topological invariant and is thus unable to capture the nonabelian characteristics of the braided polymer chains. A more refined treatment of the topological constraints would require more sophisticated topological invariants, but so far their application to the statistical mechanics of linked polymers is an open problem.
