Target Estimation in Colocated MIMO Radar via Matrix Completion

Abstract in English

We consider a colocated MIMO radar scenario, in which the receive antennas forward their measurements to a fusion center. Based on the received data, the fusion center formulates a matrix which is then used for target parameter estimation. When the receive antennas sample the target returns at Nyquist rate, and assuming that there are more receive antennas than targets, the data matrix at the fusion center is low-rank. When each receive antenna sends to the fusion center only a small number of samples, along with the sample index, the receive data matrix has missing elements, corresponding to the samples that were not forwarded. Under certain conditions, matrix completion techniques can be applied to recover the full receive data matrix, which can then be used in conjunction with array processing techniques, e.g., MUSIC, to obtain target information. Numerical results indicate that good target recovery can be achieved with occupancy of the receive data matrix as low as 50%.
