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Asteroseismic classification of stellar populations among 13000 red giants observed by Kepler

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 Added by Dennis Stello
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Of the more than 150000 targets followed by the Kepler Mission, about 10% were selected as red giants. Due to their high scientific value, in particular for Galaxy population studies and stellar structure and evolution, their Kepler light curves were made public in late 2011. More than 13000 (over 85%) of these stars show intrinsic flux variability caused by solar-like oscillations making them ideal for large scale asteroseismic investigations. We automatically extracted individual frequencies and measured the period spacings of the dipole modes in nearly every red giant. These measurements naturally classify the stars into various populations, such as the red giant branch, the low-mass (M/Msol < 1.8) helium-core-burning red clump, and the higher-mass (M/Msol > 1.8) secondary clump. The period spacings also reveal that a large fraction of the stars show rotationally induced frequency splittings. This sample of stars will undoubtedly provide an extremely valuable source for studying the stellar population in the direction of the Kepler field, in particular when combined with complementary spectroscopic surveys.

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Studying star clusters offers significant advances in stellar astrophysics due to the combined power of having many stars with essentially the same distance, age, and initial composition. This makes clusters excellent test benches for verification of stellar evolution theory. To fully exploit this potential, it is vital that the star sample is uncontaminated by stars that are not members of the cluster. Techniques for determining cluster membership therefore play a key role in the investigation of clusters. We present results on three clusters in the Kepler field of view based on a newly established technique that uses asteroseismology to identify fore- or background stars in the field, which demonstrates advantages over classical methods such as kinematic and photometry measurements. Four previously identified seismic non-members in NGC6819 are confirmed in this study, and three additional non-members are found -- two in NGC6819 and one in NGC6791. We further highlight which stars are, or might be, affected by blending, which needs to be taken into account when analysing these Kepler data.
More than 1000 red giants have been observed by NASA/Kepler mission during a nearly continuous period of ~ 13 months. The resulting high-frequency resolution (< 0.03 muHz) allows us to study the granulation parameters of these stars. The granulation pattern results from the convection motions leading to upward flows of hot plasma and downward flows of cooler plasma. We fitted Harvey-like functions to the power spectra, to retrieve the timescale and amplitude of granulation. We show that there is an anti-correlation between both of these parameters and the position of maximum power of acoustic modes, while we also find a correlation with the radius, which agrees with the theory. We finally compare our results with 3D models of the convection.
Context: The study of stellar structure and evolution depends crucially on accurate stellar parameters. The photometry from space telescopes has provided superb data that allowed asteroseismic characterisation of thousands of stars. However, typical targets of space telescopes are rather faint and complementary measurements are difficult to obtain. On the other hand, the brightest, otherwise well-studied stars, are lacking seismic characterization. Aims: Our goal is to use the granulation and/or oscillation time scales measured from photometric time series of bright red giants (1.6$leq$Vmag$leq$5.3) observed with BRITE to determine stellar surface gravities and masses. Methods: We use probabilistic methods to characterize the granulation and/or oscillation signal in the power density spectra and the autocorrelation function of the BRITE time series. Results: We detect a clear granulation and/or oscillation signal in 23 red giant stars and extract the corresponding time scales from the power density spectra as well as the autocorrelation function of the BRITE time series. To account for the recently discovered non-linearity of the classical seismic scaling relations, we use parameters from a large sample of Kepler stars to re-calibrate the scalings of the high- and low-frequency components of the granulation signal. We develop a method to identify which component is measured if only one granulation component is statistically significant in the data. We then use the new scalings to determine the surface gravity of our sample stars, finding them to be consistent with those determined from the autocorrelation signal of the time series. We further use radius estimates from the literature to determine the stellar masses of our sample stars from the measured surface gravities. We also define a statistical measure for the evolutionary stage of the stars.
The recently launched TESS mission is for the first time giving us the potential to perform inference asteroseismology across the whole sky. TESS observed the Kepler field entirely in its Sector 14 and partly in Sector 15. Here, we seek to detect oscillations in the red giants observed by TESS in the Kepler field of view. Using the full 4-yr Kepler results as the ground truth, we aim to characterise how well the seismic signal can be detected using TESS data. Because our data are based on one and two sectors of observation, our results will be representative of what one can expect for the vast majority of the TESS data. We detect clear oscillations in $sim$3000 stars with another $sim$1000 borderline (low S/N) cases, all of which yield a measurement of the frequency of maximum acoustic power, numax. In comparison, a simple calculation predicts $sim$4500 stars would show detectable oscillations. Of the clear detections we reliably measure the frequency separation between overtone radial modes, dnu, in 570 stars, meaning an overall dnu yield of 20%, which splits into a one-sector yield of 14% and a two-sector yield of 26%. These yields imply that typical (1-2 sector) TESS data will result in significant detection biases. Hence, to boost the number of stars, one might need to use only numax as the seismic input for stellar property estimation. On the up side, we find little or no bias in the seismic measurements and typical scatter relative to the Kepler `truth is about 5-6% in numax and 2-3% in dnu. These values, coupled with typical uncertainties in parallax, Teff, and Fe/H in a grid-based approach, would provide internal uncertainties of 3% in inferred stellar radius, 6% in mass and 20% in age. Finally, despite relatively large pixels of TESS, we find red giant seismology is not expected to be significantly affected by blending for stars with Tmag < 12.5.
Asteroseismology with the Kepler space telescope is providing not only an improved characterization of exoplanets and their host stars, but also a new window on stellar structure and evolution for the large sample of solar-type stars in the field. We perform a uniform analysis of 22 of the brightest asteroseismic targets with the highest signal-to-noise ratio observed for 1 month each during the first year of the mission, and we quantify the precision and relative accuracy of asteroseismic determinations of the stellar radius, mass, and age that are possible using various methods. We present the properties of each star in the sample derived from an automated analysis of the individual oscillation frequencies and other observational constraints using the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP), and we compare them to the results of model-grid-based methods that fit the global oscillation properties. We find that fitting the individual frequencies typically yields asteroseismic radii and masses to sim1% precision, and ages to sim2.5% precision (respectively 2, 5, and 8 times better than fitting the global oscillation properties). The absolute level of agreement between the results from different approaches is also encouraging, with model-grid-based methods yielding slightly smaller estimates of the radius and mass and slightly older values for the stellar age relative to AMP, which computes a large number of dedicated models for each star. The sample of targets for which this type of analysis is possible will grow as longer data sets are obtained during the remainder of the mission.
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