On the asymmetry of velocity oscillation amplitude in bipolar active regions

Abstract in English

The velocity field in the lower solar atmosphere undergoes strong interactions with magnetic fields. Many authors have pointed out that power is reduced by a factor between two and three within magnetic regions, depending on frequency, depth, the radius and the magnetic strength of the flux tube. Many mechanisms have been proposed to explain the observations. In this work, SDO dopplergrams and magnetograms of 12 bipolar active regions ($beta$ARs) at a 45 second cadence, are used to investigate the relation between velocity fluctuations and magnetic fields. We show that there is an asymmetry within $beta$ARs, with the velocity oscillation amplitude being more suppressed in the leading polarities compared to the trailing polarities. Also, the strongest magnetic fields do not completely suppress the five-minute oscillation amplitude, neither in the spot innermost umbrae.
