A Mathematical Random Number Generator (MRNG)

Abstract in English

A novel Mathematical Random Number Generator (MRNG) is presented here. In this case, mathematical refers to the fact that to construct that generator it is not necessary to resort to a physical phenomenon, such as the thermal noise of an electronic device, but rather to a mathematical procedure. The MRNG generates binary strings - in principle, as long as desired - which may be considered genuinely random in the sense that they pass the statistical tests currently accepted to evaluate the randomness of those strings. From those strings, the MRNG also generates random numbers expressed in base 10. An MRNG has been installed as a facility on the following web page: http://www.appliedmathgroup.org. This generator may be used for applications in tasks in: a) computational simulation of probabilistic-type systems, and b) the random selection of samples of different populations. Users interested in applications in cryptography can build another MRNG, but they would have to withhold information - specified in section 5 - from people who are not authorized to decode messages encrypted using that resource.
