Strength of reduced two-body spin-orbit interaction from chiral three-nucleon force

Abstract in English

The contribution of a chiral three-nucleon force to the strength of an effective spin-orbit coupling is estimated. We first construct a reduced two-body interaction by folding one-nucleon degrees of freedom of the three-nucleon force in nuclear matter. The spin-orbit strength is evaluated by a Scheerbaum factor obtained by the $G$-matrix calculation in nuclear matter with the two-nucleon interaction plus the reduced two-nucleon interaction. The problem of the insufficiency of modern realistic two-nucleon interactions to account for the empirical spin-orbit strength is resolved. It is also indicated that the spin-orbit coupling is weaker in the neutron-rich environment. Because the spin-orbit component from the three-nucleon force is determined by the low-energy constants fixed in the two-nucleon sector, there is little uncertainty in the present estimation.
