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Sigma meson and lowest possible glueball candidate in an extended linear $sigma$ model

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 Added by Tamal K Mukherjee
 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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We formulate an extended linear $sigma$ model of a quarkonia nonet and a tetraquark nonet as well as a complex iso-singlet (glueball) field to study the low-lying scalar meson. Chiral symmetry and $U_A(1)$ symmetry and their breaking play important role to shape the scalar meson spectrum in our work. Based on our study we will comment on what may be the mass of the lowest possible scalar and pseudoscalar glueball states. We will also discuss on what may be the nature of the sigma or $f_0(600)$ meson.

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We formulate an extended linear $sigma$ model of a quarkonia nonet and a tetraquark nonet as well as a complex iso-singlet (glueball) by virtue of chiral symmetry $SU_L(3) times SU_R(3)$ and $U_A(1)$ symmetry. In the linear realization formalism, we study the mass spectra and components of the low-lying scalars and pseudo scalars in this model. The mass matrices for physical staes are obtained and the glueball candidates are examined. We find that the model can accommodate the mass spectra of low-lying states quite well. Our fits indicate that the most glueball like scalar should be 2 GeV or higher while the glueball pseudoscalar is $eta(1756)$. We also examine the parameter region where the lightest iso-scalar $f_0(600)$ can be the glueball and quarkonia dominant but find such a parameter region may be confronted with the problem of the unbounded vacuum from below.
186 - Denis Parganlija 2012
We discuss the phenomenology of the axial-vector mesons within a three-flavour Linear Sigma Model containing scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial-vector degrees of freedom.
155 - Bing An Li 2005
The possibility of X(1835) as a 0^{-+} glueball is investigated.
238 - Gang Chen , Yi-Jian Du 2013
In this paper, we investigate tree-level scattering amplitude relations in $U(N)$ non-linear sigma model. We use Cayley parametrization. As was shown in the recent works [23,24] both on-shell amplitudes and off-shell currents with odd points have to vanish under Cayley parametrization. We prove the off-shell $U(1)$ identity and fundamental BCJ relation for even-point currents. By taking the on-shell limits of the off-shell relations, we show that the color-ordered tree amplitudes with even points satisfy $U(1)$-decoupling identity and fundamental BCJ relation, which have the same formations within Yang-Mills theory. We further state that all the on-shell general KK, BCJ relations as well as the minimal-basis expansion are also satisfied by color-ordered tree amplitudes. As a consequence of the relations among color-ordered amplitudes, the total $2m$-point tree amplitudes satisfy DDM form of color decomposition as well as KLT relation.
414 - Ulf Lindstrom 2014
Briefly: Using a novel $(1,1)$ superspace formulation of semichiral sigma models with $4D$ target space, we investigate if an extended supersymmetry in terms of semichirals is compatible with having a $4D$ target space with torsion. In more detail: Semichiral sigma models have $(2,2)$ supersymmetry and Generalized Kahler target space geometry by construction. They can also support $(4,4)$ supersymmetry and Generalized Hyperkahler geometry, but when the target space is four dimensional indications are that the geometry is restricted to Hyperkahler. To investigate this further, we reduce the model to $(1,1)$ superspace and construct the extra (on-shell) supersymmetries there. We then find the conditions for a lift to $(2,2)$ super space and semichiral fields to exist. Those conditions are shown to hold for Hyperkahler geometries. The $SU(2)otimes U(1)$ WZW model, which has $(4,4)$ supersymmetry and a semichiral description, is also investigated. The additional supersymmetries are found in $(1,1)$ superspace but shown {em not} to be liftable to a $(2,2)$ semichiral formulation.
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