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Dynamics of a Dirac Fermion in the presence of spin noncommutativity

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 Publication date 2012
and research's language is English

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Recently, it has been proposed a spacetime noncommutativity that involves spin degrees of freedom, here called spin noncommutativity. One of the motivations for such a construction is that it preserves Lorentz invariance, which is deformed or simply broken in other approaches to spacetime noncommutativity. In this work, we gain further insight in the physical aspects of the spin noncommutativity. The noncommutative Dirac equation is derived from an action principle, and it is found to lead to the conservation of a modified current, which involves the background electromagnetic field. Finally, we study the Landau problem in the presence of spin noncommutativity. For this scenario of a constant magnetic field, we are able to derive a simple Hermitean non-commutative correction to the Hamiltonian operator, and show that the degeneracy of the excited states is lifted by the noncommutativity at the second order or perturbation theory.

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We apply the functional bosonization procedure to a massive Dirac field defined on a 2+1 dimensional spacetime which has a non-trivial boundary. We find the form of the bosonized current both for the bulk and boundary modes, showing that the gauge field in the bosonized theory contains a perfect-conductor boundary condition on the worldsheet spanned by the boundary. We find the bononized action for the corresponding boundary modes.
In the present article we show that the energy spectrum of the one-dimensional Dirac equation, in the presence of an attractive vectorial delta potential, exhibits a resonant behavior when one includes an asymptotically spatially vanishing weak electric field associated with a hyperbolic tangent potential. We solve the Dirac equation in terms of Gauss hyper-geometric functions and show explicitly how the resonant behavior depends on the strength of the electric field evaluated at the support of the point interaction. We derive an approximate expression for the value of the resonances and compare the results calculated for the hyperbolic potential with those obtained for a linear perturbative potential. Finally, we characterize the resonances with the help of the phase shift and the Wigner delay time.
We discuss various limits which transform configuration space into phase space, with emphasis on those related to lightfront field theory, and show that they are unified by spectral flow. Examples include quantising in `almost lightfront coordinates and the appearance of lightlike noncommutativity from a strong background laser field. We compare this with the limit of a strong magnetic field, and investigate the role played by lightfront zero modes.
Sine-Gordon kinks are a much studied integrable system that possesses multi-soliton solutions. Recent studies on sine-Gordon kinks with space-dependent square-well-type potentials have revealed interesting dynamics of a single kink interacting with wells and barriers. In this paper, we study a class of smooth space-dependent potentials and discuss the dynamics of one kink in the presence of different wells. We also present values for the critical velocity for different types of barriers. Furthermore, we study two kinks interacting with various wells and describe interesting trajectories such as double-trapping, kink knock-out and double-escape.
Three-dimensional topological insulators are characterized by insulating bulk state and metallic surface state involving Dirac fermions that behave as massless relativistic particles. These Dirac fermions are responsible for achieving a number of novel and exotic quantum phenomena in the topological insulators and for their potential applications in spintronics and quantum computations. It is thus essential to understand the electron dynamics of the Dirac fermions, i.e., how they interact with other electrons, phonons and disorders. Here we report super-high resolution angle-resolved photoemission studies on the Dirac fermion dynamics in the prototypical Bi2(Te,Se)3 topological insulators. We have directly revealed signatures of the electron-phonon coupling in these topological insulators and found that the electron-disorder interaction is the dominant factor in the scattering process. The Dirac fermion dynamics in Bi2(Te3-xSex) topological insulators can be tuned by varying the composition, x, or by controlling the charge carriers. Our findings provide crucial information in understanding the electron dynamics of the Dirac fermions in topological insulators and in engineering their surface state for fundamental studies and potential applications.
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