Random harmonic functions in growth spaces and Bloch-type spaces

Abstract in English

Let $h^infty_v(mathbf D)$ and $h^infty_v(mathbf B)$ be the spaces of harmonic functions in the unit disk and multi-dimensional unit ball which admit a two-sided radial majorant $v(r)$. We consider functions $v $ that fulfill a doubling condition. In the two-dimensional case let $u (re^{ita},xi) = sum_{j=0}^infty (a_{j0} xi_{j0} r^j cos jtheta +a_{j1} xi_{j1} r^j sin jtheta)$ where $xi ={xi_{ji}}%_{k=0}^infty $ is a sequence of random subnormal variables and $a_{ji}$ are real; in higher dimensions we consider series of spherical harmonics. We will obtain conditions on the coefficients $a_{ji} $ which imply that $u$ is in $h^infty_v(mathbf B)$ almost surely. Our estimate improves previous results by Bennett, Stegenga and Timoney, and we prove that the estimate is sharp. The results for growth spaces can easily be applied to Bloch-type spaces, and we obtain a similar characterization for these spaces, which generalizes results by Anderson, Clunie and Pommerenke and by Guo and Liu.
