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Supercurrent and multiple Andreev reflections in an InSb nanowire Josephson junction

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 Added by Hongqi Xu
 Publication date 2012
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Epitaxially grown, high quality semiconductor InSb nanowires are emerging material systems for the development of high performance nanoelectronics and quantum information processing and communication devices, and for the studies of new physical phenomena in solid state systems. Here, we report on measurements of a superconductor-normal conductor-superconductor junction device fabricated from an InSb nanowire with aluminum based superconducting contacts. The measurements show a proximity induced supercurrent flowing through the InSb nanowire segment, with a critical current tunable by a gate, in the current bias configuration and multiple Andreev reflection characteristics in the voltage bias configuration. The temperature dependence and the magnetic field dependence of the critical current and the multiple Andreev reflection characteristics of the junction are also studied. Furthermore, we extract the excess current from the measurements and study its temperature and magnetic field dependences. The successful observation of the superconductivity in the InSb nanowire based Josephson junction device indicates that InSb nanowires provide an excellent material system for creating and observing novel physical phenomena such as Majorana fermions in solid state systems.

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We present a Josephson junction based on a Ge-Si core-shell nanowire with transparent superconducting Al contacts, a building block which could be of considerable interest for investigating Majorana bound states, superconducting qubits and Andreev (spin) qubits. We demonstrate the dc Josephson effect in the form of a finite supercurrent through the junction, and establish the ac Josephson effect by showing up to 23 Shapiro steps. We observe multiple Andreev reflections up to the sixth order, indicating that charges can scatter elastically many times inside our junction, and that our interfaces between superconductor and semiconductor are transparent and have low disorder.
Electrons incident from a normal metal onto a superconductor are reflected back as holes - a process called Andreev reflection. In a normal metal where the Fermi energy is much larger than a typical superconducting gap, the reflected hole retraces the path taken by the incident electron. In graphene with ultra low disorder, however, the Fermi energy can be tuned to be smaller than the superconducting gap. In this unusual limit, the holes are expected to be reflected specularly at the superconductor-graphene interface due to the onset of interband Andreev processes, where the effective mass of the reflected holes change sign. Here we present measurements of gate modulated Andreev reflections across the low disorder van der Waals interface formed between graphene and the superconducting NbSe2. We find that the conductance across the graphene-superconductor interface exhibits a characteristic suppression when the Fermi energy is tuned to values smaller than the superconducting gap, a hallmark for the transition between intraband retro- and interband specular- Andreev reflections.
We propose to use graphene-based Josephson junctions (gJjs) to detect single photons in a wide electromagnetic spectrum from visible to radio frequencies. Our approach takes advantage of the exceptionally low electronic heat capacity of monolayer graphene and its constricted thermal conductance to its phonon degrees of freedom. Such a system could provide high sensitivity photon detection required for research areas including quantum information processing and radio-astronomy. As an example, we present our device concepts for gJj single photon detectors in both the microwave and infrared regimes. The dark count rate and intrinsic quantum efficiency are computed based on parameters from a measured gJj, demonstrating feasibility within existing technologies.
We study superconducting quantum interference in InSb flake Josephson junctions. An even-odd effect in the amplitude and periodicity of the superconducting quantum interference pattern is found. Interestingly, the occurrence of this pattern coincides with enhanced conduction at both edges of the flake, as is deduced from measuring a SQUID pattern at reduced gate voltages. We identify the specific crystal facet of the edge with enhanced conduction, and confirm this by measuring multiple devices. Furthermore, we argue the even-odd effect is due to crossed Andreev reflection, a process where a Cooper pair splits up over the two edges and recombines at the opposite contact. An entirely $h/e$ periodic SQUID pattern, as well as the observation of both even-odd and odd-even effects, corroborates this conclusion. Crossed Andreev reflection could be harnessed for creating a topological state of matter or performing experiments on the non-local spin-entanglement of spatially separated Cooper pairs.
252 - M. Houzet , P. Samuelsson 2010
We investigate theoretically charge transport in hybrid multiterminal junctions with superconducting leads kept at different voltages. It is found that multiple Andreev reflections involving several superconducting leads give rise to rich subharmonic gap structures in the current-voltage characteristics. The structures are evidenced numerically in junctions in the incoherent regime.
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