Induced quasi-cocycles on groups with hyperbolically embedded subgroups

Abstract in English

Let G be a group, H a hyperbolically embedded subgroup of G, V a normed G-module, U an H-invariant submodule of V. We propose a general construction which allows to extend 1-quasi-cocycles on H with values in U to 1-quasi-cocycles on G with values in V. As an application, we show that every group G with a non-degenerate hyperbolically embedded subgroup has dim H^2_b (G, l^p(G))=infty for pin [1, infty). This covers many previously known results in a uniform way. Applying our extension to quasimorphisms and using Bavard duality, we also show that hyperbolically embedded subgroups are undistorted with respect to the stable commutator length.
