Predictions of the FBD model for the synthesis cross sections of Z = 114-120 elements based on macroscopic-microscopic fission barriers

Abstract in English

A complete set of existing data on hot fusion reactions leading to synthesis of superheavy nuclei of Z =114-118, obtained in a series of experiments in Dubna and later in GSI Darmstadt and LBNL Berkeley, was analyzed in terms of a new angular-momentum dependent version of the Fusion by Diffusion (FBD) model with fission barriers and ground-state masses taken from the Warsaw macroscopic-microscopic model (involving non-axial shapes) of Kowal et al. The only empirically adjustable parameter of the model, the injection-point distance (sinj), has been determined individually for all the reactions and very regular systematics of this parameter have been established. The regularity of the obtained sinj systematics indirectly points at the internal consistency of the whole set of fission barriers used in the calculations. Having fitted all the experimental excitation functions for elements Z = 114-118, the FBD model (with the new sinj systematics) was used to predict cross sections for synthesis of elements Z = 119 and 120. Regarding prospects to produce the new element Z = 119, our calculations prefer the 252Es(48Ca,xn)300-x119 reaction, for which the synthesis cross section of about 0.2 pb in 4n channel at Ec.m.= 220 MeV is expected. The most favorable reaction to synthesize the element Z = 120 turns out to be 249Cf(50Ti,xn)299-x120, but the predicted cross section for this reaction is only 6 fb (for 3n and 4n channels).
