Stationary State Solutions of a Bond Diluted Kinetic Ising Model: An Effective-Field Theory Analysis

Abstract in English

We have examined the stationary state solutions of a bond diluted kinetic Ising model under a time dependent oscillating magnetic field within the effective-field theory (EFT) for a honeycomb lattice $(q=3)$. Time evolution of the system has been modeled with a formalism of master equation. The effects of the bond dilution, as well as the frequency $(omega)$ and amplitude $(h/J)$ of the external field on the dynamic phase diagrams have been discussed in detail. We have found that the system exhibits the first order phase transition with a dynamic tricritical point (DTCP) at low temperature and high amplitude regions, in contrast to the previously published results for the pure case cite{Ling}. Bond dilution process on the kinetic Ising model gives rise to a number of interesting and unusual phenomena such as reentrant phenomena and has a tendency to destruct the first-order transitions and the DTCP. Moreover, we have investigated the variation of the bond percolation threshold as functions of the amplitude and frequency of the oscillating field.
