Optimized Confinement of Fermions in Two Dimensions

Abstract in English

One of the challenging features of studying model Hamiltonians with cold atoms in optical lattices is the presence of spatial inhomogeneities induced by the confining potential, which results in the coexistence of different phases. This paper presents Quantum Monte Carlo results comparing meth- ods for confining fermions in two dimensions, including conventional diagonal confinement (DC), a recently proposed off-diagonal confinement (ODC), as well as a trap which produces uniform den- sity in the lattice. At constant entropy and for currently accessible temperatures, we show that the current DC method results in the strongest magnetic signature, primarily because of its judicious use of entropy sinks at the lattice edge. For d-wave pairing, we show that a constant density trap has the more robust signal and that ODC can implement a constant density profile. This feature is important to any prospective search for superconductivity in optical lattices.
