On the temperature dependence of ballistic Coulomb drag in nanowires

Abstract in English

We have investigated within the theory of Fermi liquid dependence of Coulomb drag current in a passive quantum wire on the applied voltage $V$ across an active wire and on the temperature $T$ for any values of $eV/k_BT$. We assume that the bottoms of the 1D minibands in both wires almost coincide with the Fermi level. We come to conclusions that 1) within a certain temperature interval the drag current can be a descending function of the temperature $T$; 2) the experimentally observed temperature dependence $T^{-0.77}$ of the drag current can be interpreted within the framework of Fermi liquid theory; 3) at relatively high applied voltages the drag current as a function of the applied voltage saturates; 4) the screening of the electron potential by metallic gate electrodes can be of importance.
