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Driven Brownian transport through arrays of symmetric obstacles

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 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We numerically investigate the transport of a suspended overdamped Brownian particle which is driven through a two-dimensional rectangular array of circular obstacles with finite radius. Two limiting cases are considered in detail, namely, when the constant drive is parallel to the principal or the diagonal array axes. This corresponds to studying the Brownian transport in periodic channels with reflecting walls of different topologies. The mobility and diffusivity of the transported particles in such channels are determined as functions of the drive and the array geometric parameters. Prominent transport features, like negative differential mobilities, excess diffusion peaks, and unconventional asymptotic behaviors, are explained in terms of two distinct lengths, the size of single obstacles (trapping length) and the lattice constant of the array (local correlation length). Local correlation effects are further analyzed by continuously rotating the drive between the two limiting orientations.

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The transport of suspended Brownian particles dc-driven along corrugated narrow channels is numerically investigated in the regime of finite damping. We show that inertial corrections cannot be neglected as long as the width of the channel bottlenecks is smaller than an appropriate particle diffusion length, which depends on the the channel corrugation and the drive intensity. Being such a diffusion length inversely proportional to the damping constant, transport through sufficiently narrow obstructions turns out to be always sensitive to the viscosity of the suspension fluid. The inertia corrections to the transport quantifiers, mobility and diffusivity, markedly differ for smoothly and sharply corrugated channels.
Single-file transport in pore-like structures constitute an important topic for both theory and experiment. For hardcore interacting particles, a good understanding of the collective dynamics has been achieved recently. Here we study how softness in the particle interaction affects the emergent transport behavior. To this end, we investigate driven Brownian motion of particles in a periodic potential. The particles interact via a repulsive softcore potential with a shape corresponding to a smoothed rectangular barrier. This shape allows us to elucidate effects of mutual particle penetration and particle crossing in a controlled manner. We find that even weak deviations from the hardcore case can have a strong impact on the particle current. Despite of this fact, the knowledge about the transport in a corresponding hardcore system is shown to be useful to describe and interpret our findings for the softcore case. This is achieved by assigning a thermodynamic effective size to the particles based on the equilibrium density functional of hard spheres.
We prove Taylor scaling for dislocation lines characterized by line-tension and moving by curvature under the action of an applied shear stress in a plane containing a random array of obstacles. Specifically, we show--in the sense of optimal scaling--that the critical applied shear stress for yielding, or percolation-like unbounded motion of the dislocation, scales in proportion to the square root of the obstacle density. For sufficiently small obstacle densities, Taylor scaling dominates the linear-scaling that results from purely energetic considerations and, therefore, characterizes the dominant rate-limiting mechanism in that regime.
Brownian dynamics simulations are an increasingly popular tool for understanding spatially-distributed biochemical reaction systems. Recent improvements in our understanding of the cellular environment show that volume exclusion effects are fundamental to reaction networks inside cells. These systems are frequently studied by incorporating inert hard spheres (crowders) into three-dimensional Brownian dynamics simulations, however these methods are extremely slow owing to the sheer number of possible collisions between particles. Here we propose a rigorous crowder-free method to dramatically increase simulation speed for crowded biochemical reaction systems by eliminating the need to explicitly simulate the crowders. We consider both the case where the reactive particles are point particles, and where they themselves occupy a volume. We use simulations of simple chemical reaction networks to confirm that our simplification is just as accurate as the original algorithm, and that it corresponds to a large speed increase.
This review presents the main principles underlying the theoretical description of the behavior of regular and random arrays of nanometric active sites. It is further shown how they can be applied for establishing a useful semi-analytical approximation of the arrays responses under diffusion limited conditions when they involve the common situation of active sites with identical sizes. This approximation is general and, as exemplified for different type of arrays, can be employed for describing the behavior of any array involving arbitrary distributions of their active sites onto the substrate surface. Furthermore, this efficient approach allows statistical characterization of active sites distributions of any array based on chronoamperometric data.
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