Ultra-heavy Yukawa-bound states of 4th Generation at LHC

Abstract in English

We present our study of bound states of the fourth generation quarks in the range of 500 to 700 GeV,where we expect binding energies are mainly of Yukawa origin, with QCD subdominant. Near degeneracy of their masses exhibits a new isospin. We find the most interesting is the production of a color octet, isosinglet vector meson via $qbar q to omega_8$. Its leading decay modes are $pi_8^pm W^mp$, $pi_8^0Z^0$, and constituent quark decay, with $qbar q$ and $tbar t$ and $bbar b$ subdominant. The color octet, isovector pseudoscalar $pi_8$ meson decays via constituent quark decay, or to $Wg$. This work calls for more detailed study of 4th generation phenomena at LHC.
