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Yetter-Drinfeld modules over bosonizations of dually paired Hopf algebras

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 Added by I. Heckenberger
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is English

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Let $(R^{vee},R)$ be a dual pair of Hopf algebras in the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over a Hopf algebra $H$ with bijective antipode. We show that there is a braided monoidal isomorphism between rational left Yetter-Drinfeld modules over the bosonizations of $R$ and of $R^{vee}$, respectively. As an application of this very general category isomorphism we obtain a natural proof of the existence of reflections of Nichols algebras of semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld modules over $H$. Key words: Hopf algebras, quantum groups, Weyl groupoid

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Given a Hopf algebra $H$ and a projection $Hto A$ to a Hopf subalgebra, we construct a Hopf algebra $r(H)$, called the partial dualization of $H$, with a projection to the Hopf algebra dual to $A$. This construction provides powerful techniques in the general setting of braided monoidal categories. The construction comprises in particular the reflections of generalized quantum groups, arxiv:1111.4673 . We prove a braided equivalence between the Yetter-Drinfeld modules over a Hopf algebra and its partial dualization.
137 - Zhimin Liu , Shenglin Zhu 2018
Let $left( H,Rright) $ be a finite dimensional semisimple and cosemisimple quasi-triangular Hopf algebra over a field $k$. In this paper, we give the structure of irreducible objects of the Yetter-Drinfeld module category ${} {}_{H}^{H}mathcal{YD}.$ Let $H_{R}$ be the Majids transmuted braided group of $left( H,Rright) ,$ we show that $H_{R}$ is cosemisimple. As a coalgebra, let $H_{R}=D_{1}opluscdotsoplus D_{r}$ be the sum of minimal $H$-adjoint-stable subcoalgebras. For each $i$ $left( 1leq ileq rright) $, we choose a minimal left coideal $W_{i}$ of $D_{i}$, and we can define the $R$-adjoint-stable algebra $N_{W_{i}}$ of $W_{i}$. Using Ostriks theorem on characterizing module categories over monoidal categories, we prove that $Vin{}_{H}^{H}mathcal{YD}$ is irreducible if and only if there exists an $i$ $left( 1leq ileq rright) $ and an irreducible right $N_{W_{i}}$-module $U_{i}$, such that $Vcong U_{i}otimes_{N_{W_{i}}}left( Hotimes W_{i}right) $. Our structure theorem generalizes the results of Dijkgraaf-Pasquier-Roche and Gould on Yetter-Drinfeld modules over finite group algebras. If $k$ is an algebraically closed field of characteristic, we stress that the $R$-adjoint-stable algebra $N_{W_{i}}$ is an algebra over which the dimension of each irreducible right module divides its dimension.
161 - I. Heckenberger 2008
In the structure theory of quantized enveloping algebras, the algebra isomorphisms determined by Lusztig led to the first general construction of PBW bases of these algebras. Also, they have important applications to the representation theory of these and related algebras. In the present paper the Drinfeld double for a class of graded Hopf algebras is investigated. Various quantum algebras, including multiparameter quantizations of semisimple Lie algebras and of Lie superalgebras, are covered by the given definition. For these Drinfeld doubles Lusztig maps are defined. It is shown that these maps induce isomorphisms between doubles of Nichols algebras of diagonal type. Further, the obtained isomorphisms satisfy Coxeter type relations in a generalized sense. As an application, the Lusztig isomorphisms are used to give a characterization of Nichols algebras of diagonal type with finite arithmetic root system. Key words: Hopf algebra, quantum group, Weyl groupoid
151 - A. M. Semikhatov 2011
We rederive a popular nonsemisimple fusion algebra in the braided context, from a Nichols algebra. Together with the decomposition that we find for the product of simple Yetter-Drinfeld modules, this strongly suggests that the relevant Nichols algebra furnishes an equivalence with the triplet W-algebra in the (p,1) logarithmic models of conformal field theory. For this, the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules is to be regarded as an textit{entwined} category (the one with monodromy, but not with braiding).
255 - A.M. Semikhatov 2009
For a Hopf algebra B with bijective antipode, we show that the Heisenberg double H(B^*) is a braided commutative Yetter--Drinfeld module algebra over the Drinfeld double D(B). The braiding structure allows generalizing H(B^*) = B^{*cop}braid B to Heisenberg n-tuples and chains ...braid B^{*cop}braid B braid B^{*cop}braid Bbraid..., all of which are Yetter--Drinfeld D(B)-module algebras. For B a particular Taft Hopf algebra at a 2p-th root of unity, the construction is adapted to yield Yetter--Drinfeld module algebras over the 2p^3-dimensional quantum group U_qsl(2).
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