Marginal density expansions for diffusions and stochastic volatility, part I: Theoretical Foundations

Abstract in English

Density expansions for hypoelliptic diffusions $(X^1,...,X^d)$ are revisited. In particular, we are interested in density expansions of the projection $(X_T^1,...,X_T^l)$, at time $T>0$, with $l leq d$. Global conditions are found which replace the well-known not-in-cutlocus condition known from heat-kernel asymptotics. Our small noise expansion allows for a second order exponential factor. As application, new light is shed on the Takanobu--Watanabe expansion of Brownian motion and Levys stochastic area. Further applications include tail and implied volatility asymptotics in some stochastic volatility models, discussed in a compagnion paper.
