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Galaxy cluster strong lensing: image deflections from density fluctuations along the line of sight

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 Added by Ole Host
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Ole Host

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A standard method to study the mass distribution in galaxy clusters is through strong lensing of background galaxies in which the positions of multiple images of the same source constrain the surface mass distribution of the cluster. However, current parametrized mass models can often only reproduce the observed positions to within one or a few arcsec which is worse than the positional measurement uncertainty. One suggested explanation for this discrepancy is the additional perturbations of the path of the light ray caused by matter density fluctuations along the line of sight. We investigate this by calculating the statistical expectation value for the angular deflections caused by density fluctuations, which can be done given the matter power spectrum. We find that density fluctuations can, indeed, produce deflections of a few arcsec. We also find that the deflection angle of a particular image is expected to increase with source redshift and with the angular distance on the sky to the lens. Since the light rays of neighbouring images pass through much the same density fluctuations, it turns out that the images expected deflection angles can be highly correlated. This implies that line-of-sight density fluctuations are a significant and possibly dominant systematic for strong lensing mass modeling and set a lower limit to how well a cluster mass model can be expected to replicate the observed image positions. We discuss how the deflections and correlations should explicitly be taken into account in the mass model fitting procedure.

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We present an analysis of the line-of-sight structure toward a sample of ten strong lensing cluster cores. Structure is traced by groups that are identified spectroscopically in the redshift range, 0.1 $leq$ z $leq$ 0.9, and we measure the projected angular and comoving separations between each group and the primary strong lensing clusters in each corresponding line of sight. From these data we measure the distribution of projected angular separations between the primary strong lensing clusters and uncorrelated large scale structure as traced by groups. We then compare the observed distribution of angular separations for our strong lensing selected lines of sight against the distribution of groups that is predicted for clusters lying along random lines of sight. There is clear evidence for an excess of structure along the line of sight at small angular separations ($theta leq 6$) along the strong lensing selected lines of sight, indicating that uncorrelated structure is a significant systematic that contributes to producing galaxy clusters with large cross sections for strong lensing. The prevalence of line-of-sight structure is one of several biases in strong lensing clusters that can potentially be folded into cosmological measurements using galaxy cluster samples. These results also have implications for current and future studies -- such as the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields -- that make use of massive galaxy cluster lenses as precision cosmological telescopes; it is essential that the contribution of line-of-sight structure be carefully accounted for in the strong lens modeling of the cluster lenses.
We present a parametric strong lensing modeling of the galaxy cluster MS,0440.5+0204 (located at $z$ = 0.19). We have performed a strong lensing mass reconstruction of the cluster using three different models. The first model uses the image positions of four multiple imaged systems (providing 26 constraints). The second one combines strong lensing constraints with dynamical information (velocity dispersion) of the cluster. The third one uses the mass calculated from weak lensing as an additional constraint. Our three models reproduce equally well the image positions of the arcs, with a root-mean-square image equal to $approx$0.5$arcsec$. However, in the third model, the inclusion of the velocity dispersion and the weak-lensing mass allows us to obtain better constraints in the scale radius and the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the mass profile. For this model, we obtain $r_s$ = 132$^{+30}_{-32}$ kpc, $sigma_s$ = 1203$^{+46}_{-47}$ km s$^{-1}$, M$_{200}$ = 3.1$^{+0.6}_{-0.6}$ $times10^{14}$,M$_{odot}$, and a high concentration, $c_{200}$ = 9.9$^{+2.2}_{-1.4}$. Finally, we used our derived mass profile to calculate the mass up to 1.5 Mpc. We compare it with X-ray estimates previously reported, finding a good agreement.
111 - Nan Li , Christoph Becker , 2020
Measurements of The Hubble-Lemaitre constant from early- and local-universe observations show a significant discrepancy. In an attempt to understand the origin of this mismatch, independent techniques to measure H0 are required. One such technique, strong lensing time delays, is set to become a leading contender amongst the myriad methods due to forthcoming large strong lens samples. It is therefore critical to understand the systematic effects inherent in this method. In this paper, we quantify the influence of additional structures along the line-of-sight by adopting realistic light cones derived from the CosmoDC2 semi-analytical extra-galactic catalogue. Using multiple lens plane ray-tracing to create a set of simulated strong lensing systems, we have investigated the impact of line-of-sight structures on time-delay measurements and in turn, on the inferred value of H0. We have also tested the reliability of existing procedures for correcting for line-of-sight effects. We find that if the integrated contribution of the line-of-sight structures is close to a uniform mass sheet, the bias in H0 can be adequately corrected by including a constant external convergence $kappa_{ext}$ in the lens model. However, for realistic line-of-sight structures comprising many galaxies at different redshifts, this simple correction overestimates the bias by an amount that depends linearly on the median external convergence. We, therefore, conclude that lens modelling must incorporate multiple lens planes to account for line-of-sight structures for accurate and precise inference of H0.
102 - Keiichi Umetsu 2020
Weak gravitational lensing of background galaxies provides a direct probe of the projected matter distribution in and around galaxy clusters. Here we present a self-contained pedagogical review of cluster--galaxy weak lensing, covering a range of topics relevant to its cosmological and astrophysical applications. We begin by reviewing the theoretical foundations of gravitational lensing from first principles, with special attention to the basics and advanced techniques of weak gravitational lensing. We summarize and discuss key findings from recent cluster--galaxy weak-lensing studies on both observational and theoretical grounds, with a focus on cluster mass profiles, the concentration--mass relation, the splashback radius, and implications from extensive mass calibration efforts for cluster cosmology.
We present a re-analysis, with newly acquired atomic data, of the two detections of two highly ionized intervening OVII absorbers reported by Nicastro and collaborators (2018). We confirm both intervening Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium OVII detections, and revise statistical significance and physical parameters of the absorber at $z=0.4339$ in light of its partial contamination by Galactic interstellar medium NII K$alpha$ absorption.
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