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Determination of stellar parameters of C-rich hydrostatic stars from spectro-interferometric observations

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 Added by Claudia Paladini
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors C. Paladini

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Giant stars, and especially C-rich giants, contribute significantly to the chemical enrichment of galaxies. The determination of precise parameters for these stars is a necessary prerequisite for a proper implementation of this evolutionary phase in the models of galaxies. Infrared interferometry opened new horizons in the study of the stellar parameters of giant stars, and provided new important constraints for the atmospheric and evolutionary models.We aim to determine which stellar parameters can be constrained by using infrared interferometry and spectroscopy, in the case of C-stars what is the precision which can be achieved and what are the limitations. For this purpose we obtained new infrared spectra and combined them with unpublished interferometric measurements for five mildly variable carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars. The observations were compared with a large grid of hydrostatic model atmospheres and with new isochrones which include the predictions of the thermally pulsing phase. For the very first time we are able to reproduce spectra in the range between 0.9 and 4 $mu$m, and $K$ broad band interferometry with hydrostatic model atmospheres. Temperature, mass, log$(g)$, C/O and a reasonable range for the distance were derived for all the objects of our study. All our targets have at least one combination of best-fitting parameters which lays in the region of the HR-diagram where C-stars are predicted. We confirm that low resolution spectroscopy is not sensitive to the mass and log$(g)$ determination. For hydrostatic objects the $3,mu$m feature is very sensitive to temperature variations therefore it is a very powerful tool for accurate temperature determinations. Interferometry can constrain mass, radius and log$(g)$ but a distance has to be assumed. The large uncertainty in the distance measurements available for C-rich stars remains a major problem.

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290 - Daniel Bonneau 2010
We obtained spectro-interferometric observations in the visible of $beta$ Lyrae and $upsilon$ Sgr using the instrument VEGA of the CHARA interferometric array. For $beta$ Lyrae, the dispersed fringe visibilities and differential phases were obtained in spectral regions containing the H$alpha$ and HeI 6678 lines and the H$beta$ and HeI 4921 lines. Whereas the source is unresolved in the continuum, the source of the emission lines is resolved and the photocenter of the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission exhibits offsets correlated with the orbital phase. For $upsilon$ Sgr, both the continuum and H$alpha$ sources are resolved, but no clear binary signal is detected. The differential phase shift across the line reveals that the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission is clearly offset from the primary.
The study of stellar parameters of planet-hosting stars, such as metallicity and chemical abundances, help us to understand the theory of planet formation and stellar evolution. Here, we present a catalogue of accurate stellar atmospheric parameters and iron abundances for a sample of 257 K and G field evolved stars that are being surveyed for planets using precise radial--velocity measurements as part of the CORALIE programme to search for planets around giants. The analysis was done using a set of high--resolution and high--signal-to-noise Ultraviolet and Visible Echelle Spectrograph spectra. The stellar parameters were derived using Fe I and II ionization and excitation equilibrium methods. To take into account possible effects related to the choice of the lines on the derived parameters, we used three different iron line-list sets in our analysis, and the results differ among themselves by a small factor for most of stars. {For those stars with previous literature parameter estimates, we found very good agreement with our own values.} In the present catalogue we are providing new precise spectroscopic measurements of effective temperature, surface gravity, microturbulence, and metallicity for 190 stars for which it has not been found or published in previous articles.
Context. Classical Be stars are hot non-supergiant stars surrounded by a gaseous circumstellar disk that is responsible for the observed infrared-excess and emission lines. The phenomena involved in the disk formation still remain highly debated. Aims. To progress in the understanding of the physical process or processes responsible for the mass ejections and test the hypothesis that they depend on the stellar parameters, we initiated a survey on the circumstellar environment of the brightest Be stars. Methods. To achieve this goal, we used spectro-interferometry, the only technique that combines high spectral (R=12000) and high spatial ($theta_{rm min}$=4,mas) resolutions. Observations were carried out at the Paranal observatory with the VLTI/AMBER instrument. We concentrated our observations on the Br$gamma$ emission line to be able to study the kinematics within the circumstellar disk. Our sample is composed of eight bright classical Be stars : $alpha$ Col, $kappa$ CMa, $omega$ Car, p Car, $delta$ Cen, $mu$ Cen, $alpha$ Ara, and textit{o} Aqr. Results. We managed to determine the disk extension in the line and the nearby continuum for most targets. We also constrained the disk kinematics, showing that it is dominated by rotation with a rotation law close to the Keplerian one. Our survey also suggests that these stars are rotating at a mean velocity of V/V$_{rm c}$,=,0.82,$pm$,0.08. This corresponds to a rotational rate of $Omega/Omega_{rm c}$,=,0.95,$pm$,0.02 Conclusions. We did not detect any correlation between the stellar parameters and the structure of the circumstellar environment. Moreover, it seems that a simple model of a geometrically thin Keplerian disk can explain most of our spectrally resolved K-band data. Nevertheless, some small departures from this model have been detected for at least two objects (i.e, $kappa$ CMa and $alpha$ Col). Finally, our Be stars sample suggests that rotation is the main physical process driving the mass-ejection. Nevertheless, smaller effects from other mechanisms have to be taken into account to fully explain how the residual gravity is compensated.
60 - Y. R. Cochetti 2018
Be stars are rapid rotators surrounded by a gaseous disk envelope whose origin is still under debate. This envelope is responsible for observed emission lines and large infrared excess. To progress in the understanding of the physical processes involved in the disk formation, we estimate the disk parameters for a sample of Be stars and search for correlations between these parameters and stellar properties. We performed spectro-interferometric observations of 26 Be stars in the region of the Br$gamma$ line to study the kinematical properties of their disks through the Doppler effect. Observations were performed at the Paranal observatory with the VLTI/AMBER interferometer. This instrument provides high spectral and high spatial resolutions. We modeled 18 Be stars with emission in the Br$gamma$ line. The disk kinematic is described by a quasi-Keplerian rotation law, with the exception of HD28497 that presents a one-arm density-wave structure. Using a combined sample, we derived a mean value for the velocity ratio V/Vc=0.75, and found that rotation axes are probably randomly distributed in the sky. Disk sizes in the line component model are in the range of 2-13 stellar radii and do not correlate with the effective temperature or spectral type. However, we found that the maximum size of a stable disk correlates with the rotation velocity at the inner part of the disk and the stellar mass. We found that, on average, the Be stars of our combined sample do not rotate at their critical velocity. However, the centrifugal force and mass of the star defines an upper limit size for a stable disk configuration. For a given rotation, high-mass Be stars tend to have more compact disks than their low-mass counterparts. It would be interesting to follow up the evolution of the disk size in variable stars to better understand the formation and dissipation processes of their circumstellar disks.
Stellar models applied to large stellar surveys of the Milky Way need to be properly tested against a sample of stars with highly reliable fundamental stellar parameters. We have established a program aiming to deliver such a sample. We present new fundamental stellar parameters of nine dwarfs that will be used as benchmarks for large stellar surveys. One of these stars is the solar-twin 18Sco, which is one of the Gaia-ESO benchmarks. The goal is to reach a precision of 1% in Teff. This precision is important for accurate determinations of the full set of fundamental parameters and abundances of stars observed by the surveys. We observed HD131156 (xiBoo), HD146233 (18Sco), HD152391, HD173701, HD185395 (thetaCyg), HD186408 (16CygA), HD186427 (16CygB), HD190360 and HD207978 (15Peg) using the high angular resolution optical interferometric instrument PAVO/CHARA. We derived limb-darkening corrections from 3D model atmospheres and determined Teff directly from the Stefan-Boltzmann relation, with an iterative procedure to interpolate over tables of bolometric corrections. Surface gravities were estimated from comparisons to Dartmouth stellar evolution model tracks. We collected spectroscopic observations from the ELODIE spectrograph and estimated metallicities ([Fe/H]) from a 1D non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) abundance analyses of unblended lines of neutral and singly ionized iron. For eight of the nine stars, we measure the Teff less than 1%, and for one star better than 2%. We determined the median uncertainties in logg and Fe/H as 0.015dex and 0.05dex, respectively. This study presents updated fundamental stellar parameters of nine dwarfs that can be used as a new set of benchmarks. All parameters were based on consistently combining interferometric observations, 3D limb-darkening modelling and spectroscopic analysis. The next paper will extend our sample to metal-rich giants.
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