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Order statistics of the early-type galaxy luminosity function

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 Added by L\\'aszl\\'o Dobos
 Publication date 2011
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We apply order statistics (OS) to the bright end ($M_r < -22$) of the luminosity distribution of early-type galaxies spectroscopically identified in the SDSS DR7 catalog. We calculate the typical OS quantities of this distribution numerically, measuring the expectation value and variance of the $k^{th}$ most luminous galaxy in a sample with cardinality $N$ over a large ensemble of such samples. From these statistical quantities we explain why and in what limit the $k^{th}$ most luminous galaxies can be used as standard candles for cosmological studies. Since our sample contains all bright galaxies including the brightest cluster galaxies (BCG), based on OS we argue that BCGs can be considered as statistical extremes of a well-established Schechter luminosity distribution when galaxies are binned by redshift and not cluster-by-cluster. We presume that the reason behind this might be that luminous red ellipticals in galaxy clusters are em not random em samples of an overall luminosity distribution but biased by the fact that they are in a cluster containing the BCG. We show that a simple statistical toy model can reproduce the well-known magnitude gap between the BCG and the second brightest galaxy of the clusters.

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211 - T.Treu 2009
We determine an absolute calibration of the initial mass function (IMF) of early-type galaxies, by studying a sample of 56 gravitational lenses identified by the SLACS Survey. Under the assumption of standard Navarro, Frenk & White dark matter halos, a combination of lensing, dynamical, and stellar population synthesis models is used to disentangle the stellar and dark matter contribution for each lens. We define an IMF mismatch parameter alpha=M*(L+D)/M*(SPS) as the ratio of stellar mass inferred by a joint lensing and dynamical models (M*(L+D)) to the current stellar mass inferred from stellar populations synthesis models (M*(SPS)). We find that a Salpeter IMF provides stellar masses in agreement with those inferred by lensing and dynamical models (<log alpha>=0.00+-0.03+-0.02), while a Chabrier IMF underestimates them (<log alpha>=0.25+-0.03+-0.02). A tentative trend is found, in the sense that alpha appears to increase with galaxy velocity dispersion. Taken at face value, this result would imply a non universal IMF, perhaps dependent on metallicity, age, or abundance ratios of the stellar populations. Alternatively, the observed trend may imply non-universal dark matter halos with inner density slope increasing with velocity dispersion. While the degeneracy between the two interpretations cannot be broken without additional information, the data imply that massive early-type galaxies cannot have both a universal IMF and universal dark matter halos.
178 - Francesco Shankar 2010
We discuss how the effective radius Phi(Re) function (ERF) recently worked out by Bernardi et al. (2009) represents a new testbed to improve the current understanding of Semi-analytic Models of Galaxy formation. In particular, we here show that a detailed hierarchical model of structure formation can broadly reproduce the correct peak in the size distribution of local early-type galaxies, although it significantly overpredicts the number of very compact and very large galaxies. This in turn is reflected in the predicted size-mass relation, much flatter than the observed one, due to too large (~3 kpc) low-mass galaxies (<10^11 msun), and to a non-negligible fraction of compact (< 0.5-1 kpc) and massive galaxies (> 10^11 msun). We also find that the latter discrepancy is smaller than previously claimed, and limited to only ultracompact (Re < 0.5 kpc) galaxies when considering elliptical-dominated samples. We explore several causes behind these effects. We conclude that the former problem might be linked to the initial conditions, given that large and low-mass galaxies are present at all epochs in the model. The survival of compact and massive galaxies might instead be linked to their very old ages and peculiar merger histories. Overall, knowledge of the galactic stellar mass {em and} size distributions allows a better understanding of where and how to improve models.
We present the analysis of the luminosity function of a large sample of galaxy clusters from the Northern Sky Optical Cluster Survey, using latest data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Our global luminosity function (down to M_r<= -16) does not show the presence of an upturn at faint magnitudes, while we do observe a strong dependence of its shape on both richness and cluster-centric radius, with a brightening of M^* and an increase of the dwarf to giant ratio with richness, indicating that more massive systems are more efficient in creating/retaining a population of dwarf satellites. This is observed both within physical (0.5 R_200) and fixed (0.5 Mpc) apertures, suggesting that the trend is either due to a global effect, operating at all scales, or to a local one but operating on even smaller scales. We further observe a decrease of the relative number of dwarf galaxies towards the cluster center; this is most probably due to tidal collisions or collisional disruption of the dwarfs since merging processes are inhibited by the high velocity dispersions in cluster cores and, furthermore, we do not observe a strong dependence of the bright end on the environment. We find indication that the dwarf to giant ratio decreases with increasing redshift, within 0.07<z<0.2. We also measure a trend for stronger suppression of faint galaxies (below M^*+2) with increasing redshift in poor systems, with respect to more massive ones, indicating that the evolutionary stage of less massive galaxies depends more critically on the environment. Finally we point out that the luminosity function is far from universal; hence the uncertainties introduced by the different methods used to build a composite function may partially explain the variety of faint-end slopes reported in the literature as well as, in some cases, the presence of a faint-end upturn.
81 - J.R. Whitbourn 2016
Whitbourn & Shanks (2014) have reported evidence for a local void underdense by ~15% extending to 150-300h-1Mpc around our position in the Southern Galactic Cap (SGC). Assuming a local luminosity function they modelled K- and r-limited number counts and redshift distributions in the 6dFGS/2MASS and SDSS redshift surveys and derived normalised n(z) ratios relative to the standard homogeneous cosmological model. Here we test further these results using maximum likelihood techniques that solve for the galaxy density distributions and the galaxy luminosity function simultaneously. We confirm the results from the previous analysis in terms of the number density distributions, indicating that our detection of the Local Hole in the SGC is robust to the assumption of either our previous, or newly estimated, luminosity functions. However, there are discrepancies with previously published K and r band luminosity functions. In particular the r-band luminosity function has a steeper faint end slope than the r0.1 results of Blanton et al. (2003) but is consistent with the r0.1 results of Montero-Dorta & Prada (2009); Loveday et al. (2012).
Low luminosity galaxies may be the building blocks of more luminous systems. Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) observations of the low luminosity, early-type galaxy NGC59 are obtained and analysed. These data are used to measure the stellar population parameters in the centre and off-centre regions of this galaxy, in order to uncover its likely star formation history. We find evidence of older stars, in addition to young stars in the emission line regions. The metallicity of the stellar population is constrained to be [Z/H] ~ -1.1 to -1.6, which is extremely low, even for this low luminosity galaxy, since it is not classed as a dwarf spheroidal galaxy. The measured [alpha/Fe] ratio is sub-solar, which indicates an extended star formation history in NGC59. If such objects formed the building blocks of more massive, early-type galaxies, then they must have been gaseous mergers, rather than dry mergers, in order to increase the metals to observed levels in luminous, early-type galaxies.
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