The role of planets in shaping planetary nebulae

Abstract in English

In 1997 Soker laid out a framework for understanding the formation and shaping of planetary nebulae (PN). Starting from the assumption that non-spherical PN cannot be formed by single stars, he linked PN morphologies to the binary mechanisms that may have formed them, basing these connections almost entirely on observational arguments. In light of the last decade of discovery in the field of PN, we revise this framework, which, although simplistic, can still serve as a benchmark against which to test theories of PN origin and shaping. Within the framework, we revisit the role of planets in shaping PN. Soker invoked a planetary role in shaping PN because there are not enough close binaries to shape the large fraction of non-spherical PN. In this paper we adopt a model whereby only ~20% of all 1-8 solar mass stars make a PN. This reduces the need for planetary shaping. Through a propagation of percentages argument, and starting from the assumption that planets can only shape mildly elliptical PN, we conclude, like in Soker, that ~20% of all PN were shaped via planetary and other substellar interactions but we add that this corresponds to only ~5% of all 1-8 solar mass stars. This may be in line with findings of planets around main sequence stars. PN shaping by planets is made plausible by the recent discovery of planets that have survived interactions with red giant branch (RGB) stars. Finally, we conclude that of the ~80% of 1-8 solar mass stars that do not make a PN, about one quarter do not even ascend the AGB due to interactions with stellar and substellar companions, while three quarters ascend the AGB but do not make a PN. Once these stars leave the AGB they evolve normally and can be confused with post-RGB, extreme horizontal branch stars. We propose tests to identify them.
