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In this paper, we analyze the polarized muon decay at rest (PMDaR) and elastic neutrino-electron scattering (ENES) admitting the non-standard V+A interaction in addition to standard V-A interaction. Considerations are made for Dirac massive muon neutrino and electron antineutrino. Moreover, muon neutrinos are transversely polarized. It means that the outgoing muon-neutrino beam is a mixture of the left- and right-chirality muon neutrinos and has a fixed direction of transverse spin polarization with respect to production plane. We show that the angle-energy distribution of muon neutrinos contains the interference terms between the standard V-A and exotic V+A couplings, which are proportional to the transverse components of muon neutrino spin polarization. They do not vanish in a limit of massless neutrino and include the relative phases to test the CP violation. In consequence, it allows to calculate a neutrino flux and an expected event number in the ENES (detection process) both for the standard model prediction and the case of neutrino left-right mixture.
Monoenergetic muon neutrinos (235.5 MeV) from positive kaon decay-at-rest are considered as a source for an electron neutrino appearance search. In combination with a liquid argon time projection chamber based detector, such a source could provide discovery-level sensitivity to the neutrino oscillation parameter space indicative of a sterile neutrino. Current and future intense >3 GeV kinetic energy proton facilities around the world can be employed for this experimental concept.
The KARMEN experiment at the spallation neutron source ISIS used umub from mup--decay at rest in the search for neutrino oscillations umubnueb in the appearance mode, with p( ueb,e+)n as detection reaction of ueb. In total, 15 candidates fulfill all conditions for the ueb signature, in agreement with the background expectation of 15.8+-0.5 events, yielding no indication for oscillations. A single event based likelihood analysis leads to upper limits on the oscillation parameters: sin^2(2theta)<1.7x10e-3 for Dm^2>100 eV^2 and Dm^2<0.055 eV^2 for sin^2(2theta)=1 at 90% confidence. Thus, KARMEN does not confirm the LSND experiment and restricts significantly its favored parameter region for umubnueb.
The muon decay-at-rest ($mu$-DAR) facility provides us with an ideal platform to probe purely muonic charged-current nonstandard neutrino interactions (NSIs). We propose to probe this class of NSI effects using antineutrinos from a $mu$-DAR source in conjunction with neutrinos from the future Tokai to Kamioka superbeam experiment with megaton Hyper Kamiokande detector (T2HK). Even though muonic NSIs are absent in neutrino production at T2HK, we show that our proposed hybrid setup comprising $mu$-DAR and T2HK helps in alleviating the parameter degeneracies that can arise in data. Analytic considerations reveal that the oscillation probability is most sensitive to the NSI parameter in the $mu$-e sector. For this parameter, we show that the $mu$-DAR setup can improve on the existing bounds down to around 0.01, especially when the data are combined with neutrino data from T2HK experiment due to the lifting of parameter degeneracies. The high precision with which $mu$-DAR can measure $delta_{rm{CP}}$ is shown to be robust even in the presence of the considered NSIs. Finally, we show that the combination of $mu$-DAR along with T2HK can also be used to put mild constraints on the NSI phase in the vicinity of the maximal CP-violating value for the chosen benchmark value of $varepsilon^{mu e}_{mu e}=0.01$.
Measuring longitudinally polarized vector boson scattering in, e.g., the ZZ channel is a promising way to investigate the unitarization scheme from the Higgs and possible new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, at the LHC, it demands the end of the HL-LHC lifetime luminosity, 3000/fb, and advanced data analysis technique to reach the discovery threshold due to its small production rates. Instead, there could be great potential for future colliders. In this paper, we perform a Monte Carlo study and examine the projected sensitivity of longitudinally polarized ZZ scattering at a TeV scale muon collider. We conduct studies at 14 TeV and 6 TeV muon colliders respectively and find that a 5 standard deviation discovery can be achieved at a 14 TeV muon collider, with 3000/fb of data collected. While a 6 TeV muon collider can already surpass HL-LHC, reaching 2 standard deviations with around 4000/fb of data. The effect from lepton isolation and detector granularity is also discussed, which may be more obvious at higher energy muon colliders, as the leptons from longitudinally polarized Z decays tend to be closer.
A major part of the future COMPASS program is dedicated to the investigation of the nucleon structure through Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) and Deeply Virtual Meson Production (DVMP). COMPASS will measure DVCS and DVMP reactions with a high intensity muon beam of 160 GeV and a 2.5 m-long liquid hydrogen target surrounded by a new TOF system. The availability of muon beams with high energy and opposite charge and polarization will allow to access the Compton form factor related to the dominant GPD $H$ and to study the $x_{B}$-dependence of the $t$-slope of the pure DVCS cross section and to study nucleon tomography. Projections on the achievable accuracies and preliminary results of pilot measurements will be presented.