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FV-type action for AdS(5) mixed-symmetry fields

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 Added by K.B. Alkalaev
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors K.B. Alkalaev

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We formulate Fradkin-Vasiliev type theory of massless higher spin fields in AdS(5). The corresponding action functional describes cubic order approximation to gravitational interactions of bosonic mixed-symmetry fields of a particular hook symmetry type and totally symmetric bosonic and fermionic fields.

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We elaborate on the ambient space approach to boundary values of $AdS_{d+1}$ gauge fields and apply it to massless fields of mixed-symmetry type. In the most interesting case of odd-dimensional bulk the respective leading boundary values are conformal gauge fields subject to the invariant equations. Our approach gives a manifestly conformal and gauge covariant formulation for these fields. Although such formulation employs numerous auxiliary fields, it comes with a systematic procedure for their elimination that results in a more concise formulation involving only a reasonable set of auxiliaries, which eventually (at least in principle) can be reduced to the minimal formulation in terms of the irreducible Lorentz tensors. The simplest mixed-symmetry field, namely, the rank-3 tensor associated to the two-row Young diagram, is considered in some details.
With a view to understanding extended-BMS symmetries in the framework of the $AdS_4/CFT_3$ correspondence, asymptotically AdS geometries are constructed with null impulsive shockwaves involving a discontinuity in superrotation parameters. The holographic dual is proposed to be a two-dimensional Euclidean defect conformal field localized on a particular timeslice in a three-dimensional conformal field theory on de Sitter spacetime. The defect conformal field theory generates a natural action of the Virasoro algebra. The large radius of curvature limit $elltoinfty$ yields spacetimes with nontrivial extended-BMS charges.
We study extremal curves associated with a functional which is linear in the curves torsion. The functional in question is known to capture the properties of entanglement entropy for two-dimensional conformal field theories with chiral anomalies and has potential applications in elucidating the equilibrium shape of elastic linear structures. We derive the equations that determine the shape of its extremal curves in general ambient spaces in terms of geometric quantities. We show that the solutions to these shape equations correspond to a three-dimensional version of Mathissons helical motions for the centers of mass of spinning probes. Thereafter, we focus on the case of maximally symmetric spaces, where solutions correspond to cylindrical helices and find that the Lancret ratio of these equals the relative speed between the Mathisson-Pirani and the Tulczyjew-Dixon observers. Finally, we construct all possible helical motions in three-dimensional manifolds with constant negative curvature. In particular, we discover a rich space of helices in AdS$_3$ which we explore in detail.
70 - Jani Kastikainen 2020
We study codimension-even conical defects that contain a deficit solid angle around each point along the defect. We show that they lead to a delta function contribution to the Lovelock scalar and we compute the contribution by two methods. We then show that these codimension-even defects appear as Euclidean brane solutions in higher dimensional topological AdS gravity which is Lovelock-Chern-Simons gravity without torsion. The theory possesses a holographic Weyl anomaly that is purely of type-A and proportional to the Lovelock scalar. Using the formula for the defect contribution, we prove a holographic duality between codimension-even defect partition functions and codimension-even brane on-shell actions in Euclidean signature. More specifically, we find that the logarithmic divergences match, because the Lovelock-Chern-Simons action localizes on the brane exactly. We demonstrate the duality explicitly for a spherical defect on the boundary which extends as a codimension-even hyperbolic brane into the bulk. For vanishing brane tension, the geometry is a foliation of Euclidean AdS space that provides a one-parameter generalization of AdS-Rindler space.
100 - J. Mourad , A. Sagnotti 2016
We describe how unbounded three--form fluxes can lead to families of $AdS_3 times S_7$ vacua, with constant dilaton profiles, in the $USp(32)$ model with brane supersymmetry breaking and in the $U(32)$ 0B model, if their (projective--)disk dilaton tadpoles are taken into account. We also describe how, in the $SO(16) times SO(16)$ heterotic model, if the torus vacuum energy $Lambda$ is taken into account, unbounded seven--form fluxes can support similar $AdS_7 times S_3$ vacua, while unbounded three--form fluxes, when combined with internal gauge fields, can support $AdS_3 times S_7$ vacua, which continue to be available even if $Lambda$ is neglected. In addition, special gauge field fluxes can support, in the $SO(16) times SO(16)$ heterotic model, a set of $AdS_{n}times S_{10-n}$ vacua, for all $n=2,..,8$. String loop and $alpha$ corrections appear under control when large form fluxes are allowed.
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