Frame dependence of 3He transverse (e,e) response functions at intermediate momentum transfers

Abstract in English

The transverse electron scattering response function of 3He was recently studied by us in the quasi-elastic peak region for momentum transfers q between 500 and 700 MeV/c. Those results, obtained using the Active Nucleon Breit frame (ANB), are here supplemented by calculations in the laboratory, Breit and ANB frames using the two-fragment model discussed in our earlier work on the frame dependence of the the longitudinal response function R_L(q,omega). We find relatively frame independent results and good agreement with experiment especially for the lower momentum transfers. This agreement occurs when we neglect an omega-dependent piece of the one-body current relativistic correction. An inclusion of this term leads however to a rather pronounced frame dependence at q=700 MeV/c. A discussion of this term is given here. This report also includes a correction to our previous ANB results for R_T(q,omega).
