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Demonstrating and exploiting the quantum nature of larger, more macroscopic mechanical objects would help us to directly investigate the limitations of quantum-based measurements and quantum information protocols, as well as test long standing questions about macroscopic quantum coherence. The field of cavity opto- and electro-mechanics, in which a mechanical oscillator is parametrically coupled to an electromagnetic resonance, provides a practical architecture for the manipulation and detection of motion at the quantum level. Reaching this quantum level requires strong coupling, interaction timescales between the two systems that are faster than the time it takes for energy to be dissipated. By incorporating a free-standing, flexible aluminum membrane into a lumped-element superconducting resonant cavity, we have increased the single photon coupling strength between radio-frequency mechanical motion and resonant microwave photons by more than two orders of magnitude beyond the current state-of-the-art. A parametric drive tone at the difference frequency between the two resonant systems dramatically increases the overall coupling strength. This has allowed us to completely enter the strong coupling regime. This is evidenced by a maximum normal mode splitting of nearly six bare cavity line-widths. Spectroscopic measurements of these dressed states are in excellent quantitative agreement with recent theoretical predictions. The basic architecture presented here provides a feasible path to ground-state cooling and subsequent coherent control and measurement of the quantum states of mechanical motion.
Cavity electro-(opto-)mechanics allows us to access not only single isolated but also multiple mechanical modes in a massive object. Here we develop a multi-mode electromechanical system in which a several membrane vibrational modes are coupled to a three-dimensional loop-gap superconducting microwave cavity. The tight confinement of the electric field across a mechanically-compliant narrow-gap capacitor brings the system into the quantum strong coupling regime under a red-sideband pump field. We demonstrate strong coupling between two mechanical modes, which is induced by two-tone parametric drives and mediated by a virtual photon in the cavity. The tunable inter-mechanical-mode coupling can be used to generate entanglement between the mechanical modes.
With the introduction of superconducting circuits into the field of quantum optics, many novel experimental demonstrations of the quantum physics of an artificial atom coupled to a single-mode light field have been realized. Engineering such quantum systems offers the opportunity to explore extreme regimes of light-matter interaction that are inaccessible with natural systems. For instance the coupling strength $g$ can be increased until it is comparable with the atomic or mode frequency $omega_{a,m}$ and the atom can be coupled to multiple modes which has always challenged our understanding of light-matter interaction. Here, we experimentally realize the first Transmon qubit in the ultra-strong coupling regime, reaching coupling ratios of $g/omega_{m}=0.19$ and we measure multi-mode interactions through a hybridization of the qubit up to the fifth mode of the resonator. This is enabled by a qubit with 88% of its capacitance formed by a vacuum-gap capacitance with the center conductor of a coplanar waveguide resonator. In addition to potential applications in quantum information technologies due to its small size and localization of electric fields in vacuum, this new architecture offers the potential to further explore the novel regime of multi-mode ultra-strong coupling.
The study of light-matter interaction has seen a resurgence in recent years, stimulated by highly controllable, precise, and modular experiments in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). The achievement of strong coupling, where the coupling between a single atom and fundamental cavity mode exceeds the decay rates, was a major milestone that opened the doors to a multitude of new investigations. Here we introduce multimode strong coupling (MMSC), where the coupling is comparable to the free spectral range (FSR) of the cavity, i.e. the rate at which a qubit can absorb a photon from the cavity is comparable to the round trip transit rate of a photon in the cavity. We realize, via the circuit QED architecture, the first experiment accessing the MMSC regime, and report remarkably widespread and structured resonance fluorescence, whose origin extends beyond cavity enhancement of sidebands. Our results capture complex multimode, multiphoton processes, and the emergence of ultranarrow linewidths. Beyond the novel phenomena presented here, MMSC opens a major new direction in the exploration of light-matter interactions.
This work sets a road-map towards an experimental realization of strong coupling between free-electrons and photons, and analytically explores entanglement phenomena that emerge in this regime. The proposed model unifies the strong-coupling predictions with known electron-photon interactions. Additionally, this work predicts a non-Columbic entanglement between freely propagating electrons. Since strong-coupling can map entanglements between photon pairs onto photon-electron pairs, it may harness electron beams for quantum communication, thus far exclusive to photons.
We study the cavity mode frequencies of a Fabry-Perot cavity containing two vibrating dielectric membranes. We derive the equations for the mode resonances and provide approximate analytical solutions for them as a function of the membrane positions, which act as an excellent approximation when the relative and center-of-mass position of the two membranes are much smaller than the cavity length. With these analytical solutions, one finds that extremely large optomechanical coupling of the membrane relative motion can be achieved in the limit of highly reflective membranes when the two membranes are placed very close to a resonance of the inner cavity formed by them. We also study the cavity finesse of the system and verify that, under the conditions of large coupling, it is not appreciably affected by the presence of the two membranes. The achievable large values of the ratio between the optomechanical coupling and the cavity decay rate, $g/kappa$, make this two-membrane system the simplest promising platform for implementing cavity optomechanics in the strong coupling regime.