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Magnetic-field control of the electric polarization in BiMnO3

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 Added by Igor Solovyev
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present the microscopic theory of improper multiferroicity in BiMnO3, which can be summarized as follows: (1) the ferroelectric polarization is driven by the hidden antiferromagnetic order in the otherwise centrosymmetric C2/c structure; (2) the relativistic spin-orbit interaction is responsible for the canted spin ferromagnetism. Our analysis is supported by numerical calculations of electronic polarization using Berrys phase formalism, which was applied to the low-energy model of BiMnO3 derived from the first-principles calculations. We explicitly show how the electric polarization can be controlled by the magnetic field and argue that BiMnO3 is a rare and potentially interesting material where ferroelectricity can indeed coexist and interplay with the ferromagnetism.

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We propose a way to use electric-field to control the magnetic ordering of the tetragonal BiFeO3. Based on systematic first-principles studies of the epitaxial strain effect on the ferroelectric and magnetic properties of the tetragonal BiFeO3, we find that there exists a transition from C-type to G-type antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase at in-plane constant a ~ 3.905 {AA} when the ferroelectric polarization is along [001] direction. Such magnetic phase transition can be explained by the competition between the Heisenberg exchange constant J1c and J2c under the influence of biaxial strain. Interestingly, when the in-plane lattice constant enlarges, the preferred ferroelectric polarization tends to be canted and eventually lies in the plane (along [110] direction). It is found that the orientation change of ferroelectric polarization, which can be realized by applying external electric-field, has significant impact on the Heisenberg exchange parameters and therefore the magnetic orderings of tetragonal BiFeO3. For example, at a ~ 3.79 {AA}, an electric field along [111] direction with magnitude of 2 MV/cm could change the magnetic ordering from C-AFM to G-AFM. As the magnetic ordering affects many physical properties of the magnetic material, e.g. magnetoresistance, we expect such strategy would provide a new avenue to the application of multiferroic materials.
We report on the electric field control of magnetic phase transition temperatures in multiferroic Ni3V2O8 thin films. Using magnetization measurements, we find that the phase transition temperature to the canted antiferromagnetic state is suppressed by 0.2 K in an electric field of 30 MV/m, as compared to the unbiased sample. Dielectric measurements show that the transition temperature into the magnetic state associated with ferroelectric order increases by 0.2 K when the sample is biased at 25 MV/m. This electric field control of the magnetic transitions can be qualitatively understood using a mean field model incorporating a tri-linear coupling between the magnetic order parameters and spontaneous polarization.
Neutron diffraction is used to probe the (H,T) phase diagram of magneto-electric (ME) LiNiPO4 for magnetic fields along the c-axis. At zero field the Ni spins order in two antiferromagnetic phases. One has commensurate (C) structures and general ordering vectors (0,0,0), the other one is incommensurate (IC) with ordering vector (0,q,0). At low temperatures the C order collapses above 12 Tesla and adopts an IC structure with modulation vector parallel to (0,q,0). We show that C order is required for the ME effect and establish how electric polarization results from a field-induced reduction of the total magneto-elastic energy.
Polar textures have attracted significant attention in recent years as a promising analog to spin-based textures in ferromagnets. Here, using optical second harmonic generation based circular dichroism, we demonstrate deterministic and reversible control of chirality over mesoscale regions in ferroelectric vortices using an applied electric field. The microscopic origins of the chirality, the pathway during the switching, and the mechanism for electric-field control are described theoretically via phase-field modeling and second-principles simulations, and experimentally by examination of the microscopic response of the vortices under an applied field. The emergence of chirality from the combination of non-chiral materials and subsequent control of the handedness with an electric field has far-reaching implications for new electronics based on chirality as a field controllable order parameter.
The impact of an applied electric field on the exchange coupling parameters has been investigated based on first-principles electronic structure calculations by means of the KKR Green function method. The calculations have been performed for a Fe film, free-standing and deposited on two different substrates, having 1 monolayer (ML) thickness to minimize the effect of screening of the electric field typical for metallic systems. By comparing the results for the free-standing Fe ML with those for Fe on the various substrates, we could analyze the origin of the field-induced change of the exchange interactions. Compared to the free-standing Fe ML, in particular rather pronounced changes have been found for the Fe/Pt(111) system due to the localized electronic states at the Fe/Pt interface, which are strongly affected by the electric field and which play an important role for the Fe-Fe exchange interactions.
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