Formation and Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies: Spectro-Photometry from Cosmo-Chemo-Dynamical Simulations

Abstract in English

One of the major challenges in modern astrophysics is to understand the origin and the evolution of galaxies, the bright, massive early type galaxies (ETGs) in particular. Therefore, these galaxies are likely to be good probes of galaxy evolution, star formation and, metal enrichment in the early Universe. In this context it is very important to set up a diagnostic tool able to combine results from chemo-dynamical N-Body-TSPH (NB-TSPH) simulations of ETGs with those of spectro-photometric population synthesis and evolution so that all key properties of galaxies can be investigated. The main goal of this paper is to provide a preliminary validation of the software package before applying it to the analysis of observational data. The galaxy models in use where calculated by the Padova group in two different cosmological scenarios: the SCDM, and the Lambda CDM. For these models, we recover their spectro-photometric evolution through the entire history of the Universe. We computed magnitudes and colors and their evolution with the redshift along with the evolutionary and cosmological corrections for the model galaxies at our disposal, and compared them with data for ETGs taken from the COSMOS and the GOODS databases. Starting from the dynamical simulations and photometric models at our disposal, we created synthetic images from which we derived the structural and morphological parameters. The theoretical results are compared with observational data of ETGs selected form the SDSS database. The simulated colors for the different cosmological scenarios follow the general trend shown by galaxies of the COSMOS and GOODS. Within the redshift range considered, all the simulated colors reproduce the observational data quite well.
