Properties and nature of Be stars: 27. Orbital and recent long-term variations of the Pleiades Be star Pleione = BU Tauri

Abstract in English

Radial-velocity variations of the H-alpha emission measured on the steep wings of the H-alpha line, prewhitened for the long-time changes, vary periodically with a period of (218.025 +/- 0.022)d, confirming the suspected binary nature of the bright Be star Pleione, a member of the Pleiades cluster. The orbit seems to have a high eccentricity over 0.7, but we also briefly discuss the possibility that the true orbit is circular and that the eccentricity is spurious owing to the phase-dependent effects of the circumstellar matter. The projected angular separation of the spectroscopic orbit is large enough to allow the detection of the binary with large optical interferometers, provided the magnitude difference primary - secondary is not too large. Since our data cover the onset of a new shell phase up to development of a metallic shell spectrum, we also briefly discuss the recent long-term changes. We confirm the formation of a new envelope, coexisting with the previous one, at the onset of the new shell phase. We find that the full width at half maximum of the H-alpha profile has been decreasing with time for both envelopes. In this connection, we briefly discuss Hiratas hypothesis of precessing gaseous disk and possible alternative scenarios of the observed long-term changes.
