The polarization observable I^s, a feature exclusive to the acoplanar kinematics of multi-meson final states produced via linearly polarized photons, has been measured for the first time. Results for the reaction g p -> p pi0 eta are presented for incoming photon energies between 970 MeV and 1650 MeV along with the beam asymmetry I^c. The comparably large asymmetries demonstrate a high sensitivity of I^s to the dynamics of the reaction. Fits using Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis demonstrate that the new polarization observables carry significant information on the contributing partial waves.
Despite decades of studies of the photoproduction of hyperons, both their production mechanisms and their spectra of excited states are still largely unknown. While the parity-violating weak decay of hyperons offers a means of measuring their polarization, which could help discern their production mechanisms and identify their excitation spectra, no such study has been possible for doubly strange baryons in photoproduction, due to low production cross sections. However, by making use of the reaction $gamma p to K^+ K^+ Xi^-$, we have measured, for the first time, the induced polarization, $P$, and the transferred polarization from circularly polarized real photons, characterized by $C_x$ and $C_z$, to recoiling $Xi^-$s. The data were obtained using the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at Jefferson Lab for photon energies from just over threshold (2.4 GeV) to 5.45 GeV. These first-time measurements are compared, and are shown to broadly agree, with model predictions in which cascade photoproduction proceeds through the decay of intermediate hyperon resonances that are produced via relativistic meson exchange, offering a new step forward in the understanding of the production and polarization of doubly-strange baryons.
The double-polarization observable $E$ and the helicity-dependent cross sections $sigma_{1/2}$ and $sigma_{3/2}$ have been measured for the first time for single $pi^{0}$ photoproduction from protons and neutrons bound in the deuteron at the electron accelerator facility MAMI in Mainz, Germany. The experiment used a circularly polarized photon beam and a longitudinally polarized deuterated butanol target. The reaction products, recoil nucleons and decay photons from the $pi^0$ meson were detected with the Crystal Ball and TAPS electromagnetic calorimeters. Effects from nuclear Fermi motion were removed by a kinematic reconstruction of the $pi^{0}N$ final state. A comparison to data measured with a free proton target showed that the absolute scale of the cross sections is significantly modified by nuclear final-state interaction (FSI) effects. However, there is no significant effect on the asymmetry $E$ since the $sigma_{1/2}$ and $sigma_{3/2}$ components appear to be influenced in a similar way. Thus, the best approximation of the two helicity-dependent cross sections for the free neutron is obtained by combining the asymmetry $E$ measured with quasi-free neutrons and the unpolarized cross section corrected for FSI effects under the assumption that the FSI effects are similar for neutrons and protons.
The differential cross sections and decay angular distributions for coherent $phi$-meson photoproduction from helium-4 have been measured for the first time at forward angles with linearly polarized photons in the energy range $E_{gamma} = text{1.685-2.385 GeV}$. Thanks to the target with spin-parity $J^{P} = 0^{+}$, unnatural-parity exchanges are prohibited, and thus natural-parity exchanges can be investigated clearly. The decay asymmetry with respect to photon polarization is shown to be very close to the maximal value. This ensures the dominance ($> 94%$) of natural-parity exchanges in this reaction. To evaluate the contribution from natural-parity exchanges to the forward cross section ($theta = 0^circ$) for the $gamma p rightarrow phi p$ reaction near the threshold, the energy dependence of the forward cross section ($theta = 0^circ$) for the $gamma {^{4}text{He}} rightarrow phi {^{4}text{He}}$ reaction was analyzed. The comparison to $gamma p rightarrow phi p$ data suggests that enhancement of the forward cross section arising from natural-parity exchanges, and/or destructive interference between natural-parity and unnatural-parity exchanges is needed in the $gamma p rightarrow phi p$ reaction near the threshold.
The cross section and decay angular distributions for the coherent phi meson photoproduction on the deuteron have been measured for the first time up to a squared four-momentum transfer t =(p_{gamma}-p_{phi})^2 =-2 GeV^2/c^2, using the CLAS detector at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility. The cross sections are compared with predictions from a re-scattering model. In a framework of vector meson dominance, the data are consistent with the total phi-N cross section sigma_{phi N} at about 10 mb. If vector meson dominance is violated, a larger sigma_{phi N} is possible by introducing larger t-slope for the phi N to phi N process than that for the gamma N to phi N process. The decay angular distributions of the phi are consistent with helicity conservation.
One of the remaining problems within the standard model is to gain a good understanding of the low energy regime of QCD, where perturbative methods fail. One key towards a better understanding is baryon spectroscopy. Unfortunately, in the past most baryon spectroscopy data have been obtained only using $pi$ N scattering. To gain access to resonances with small $pi$ N partial width, photoproduction experiments, investigating various final states, provide essential information. In order to extract the contributing resonances, partial wave analyses need to be performed. Here, the complete experiment is required to unambiguously determine the contributing amplitudes. This involves the measurement of carefully chosen single and double polarization observables. The Crystal Barrel/TAPS experiment with a longitudinally or transversely polarized target and an energy tagged, linearly or circularly polarized photon beam allows the measurement of a large set of polarization observables. Due to its good energy resolution, high detection efficiency for photons, and the nearly complete solid angle coverage, it is ideally suited for the measurement of the photoproduction of neutral mesons decaying into photons. Preliminary results for the target asymmetry T, recoil polarization P and the double polarization observable H are discussed for $pi^{0}$ and $eta$ photoproduction off the proton.