Dark Matter, Quasars, and Superstructures in the Universe (with delta-particle search and spherical universe)

Abstract in English

From the observed results of the space distribution of quasars we deduced that neutrino mass is about 10^(-1) eV. The fourth stable elementary particle (delta particle) with mass about 10^(0) eV can help explain the energy resource mechanism in quasars, cosmic ultra-high energy particles, as well as the flatness of spiral galaxy rotation curves. The blue bump and IR bump in the quasar irradiation spectra, as well as the peaks of EBL (Extra-galactic Background Light) around 10^(0) eV and 10^(-1) eV, are related to the annihilation of delta particle with anti-delta particle and neutrino with anti-neutrino respectively. This enlightens us to explore the reason for missing solar neutrinos and the unlimited energy resource in a new manner. For delta-particle search it is related to Dual SM or Two-fold SM; the relationship between space electron spectrum (>10^(0)Tev) and cosmic ray spectrum (knee and ankle) at high energy region; and the characteristics of spherical universe. Appendix is the theory part, which related to mass tree, inflation, BSM, finite universe.
