Flavor Mixing, Quark Masses, Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Oscillations

Abstract in English

We discuss first the flavor mixing of the quarks, using the texture zero mass matrices. Then we study a similar model for the mass matrices of the leptons. We are able to relate the mass eigenvalues of the charged leptons and of the neutrinos to the mixing angles and can predict the masses of the neutrinos. We find a normal hierarchy - the masses are 0.004 eV, 0.01 eV and 0.05 eV. The atmospheric mixing angle is given by the mass ratios of the charged leptons and the neutrinos. we find about 40 degrees, consistent with the experiments. The mixing element, connecting the first neutrino wit the electron, is predicted to be 0.05. This prediction can soon be checked by the Daya Bay experiment.
