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Calibration of [O IV] 26 micron as a Measure of Intrinsic AGN Luminosity

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 Added by Jane R. Rigby
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We compare [O IV] 25.89 micron emission line luminosities with very hard (10-200 keV) X-rays from Swift, Integral, and BeppoSAX for a complete sample of 89 Seyferts from the Revised Shapley-Ames sample. Using Seyfert 1s, we calibrate [O IV] as a measure of AGN intrinsic luminosity, for particular use in high-obscuration environments. With this calibration, we measure the average decrement in 14-195 keV X-ray to [O IV] luminosity ratio for Seyfert 2s compared to type 1s. We find a decrement of 3.1 +- 0.8 for Seyfert 2s, and a decrement of 5.0 +- 2.7 for known Compton-thick Seyfert 2s. These decrements imply column densities of approximately log N(H)=24.6 and 24.7 cm^-2, respectively. Thus, we infer that the average Seyfert 2 is more highly obscured and intrinsically more luminous than would be inferred even from the very hard X-rays. We demonstrate two applications of the hard X-ray to [O IV] ratio. We measure a column density for the extremely obscured NGC 1068 of log N(H)=25.3-25.4 cm^-2. Finally, by comparing [O IV] luminosities to total infrared luminosities for twelve bright ultraluminous infrared galaxies, we find that four have substantial AGN contributions.

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141 - L. Trouille , A. J. Barger 2010
We compare optical and hard X-ray identifications of AGNs using a uniformly selected (above a flux limit of f_2-8 keV = 3.5e-15 erg/cm2/s) and highly optically spectroscopically complete ( > 80% for f_2-8 keV > 1e-14 erg/cm2/s and > 60% below) 2-8 keV sample observed in three Chandra fields (CLANS, CLASXS, and the CDF-N). We find that empirical emission-line ratio diagnostic diagrams misidentify 20-50% of the X-ray selected AGNs that can be put on these diagrams as star formers, depending on which division is used. We confirm that there is a large (2 orders in magnitude) dispersion in the log ratio of the [OIII]5007A to hard X-ray luminosities for the non-broad line AGNs, even after applying reddening corrections to the [OIII] luminosities. We find that the dispersion is similar for the broad-line AGNs, where there is not expected to be much X-ray absorption from an obscuring torus around the AGN nor much obscuration from the galaxy along the line-of-sight if the AGN is aligned with the galaxy. We postulate that the X-ray selected AGNs that are misidentified by the diagnostic diagrams have low [OIII] luminosities due to the complexity of the structure of the narrow-line region, which causes many ionizing photons from the AGN not to be absorbed. This would mean that the [OIII] luminosity can only be used to predict the X-ray luminosity to within a factor of ~3 (one sigma). Despite selection effects, we show that the shapes and normalizations of the [OIII] and transformed hard X-ray luminosity functions show reasonable agreement, suggesting that the [OIII] samples are not finding substantially more AGNs at low redshifts than hard X-ray samples.
We propose new diagnostics that utilize the [O IV] 25.89 $mu$m and nuclear (subarcsecond scale) 12 $mu$m luminosity ratio for identifying whether an AGN is deeply `buried in their surrounding material. Utilizing a sample of 16 absorbed AGNs at redshifts lower than 0.03 in the Swift/BAT catalog observed with Suzaku, we find that AGNs with small scattering fractions ($<$0.5%) tend to show weaker [O IV]-to-12 $mu$m luminosity ratios than the average of Seyfert 2 galaxies. This suggests that this ratio is a good indicator for identifying buried AGNs. Then, we apply this criterion to 23 local ultra/luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs) in various merger stages hosting AGNs. We find that AGNs in most of mid- to late-stage mergers are buried, while those in earlier stage ones (including non-merger) are not. This result suggests that the fraction of buried AGNs in U/LIRGs increases as the galaxy-galaxy interaction becomes more significant.
The Infrared Space Observatory was used to search for a tracer of the warm and dense neutral interstellar medium, the [O I] 63.18 micron line, in four ultraluminous IRAS sources lying at redshifts between 0.6 and 1.4. While these sources are quasars, their infrared continuum emission suggests a substantial interstellar medium. No [O I] flux was securely detected after probing down to a 3 sigma sensitivity level sufficient for detecting line emission in starbursts with similar continuum emission. However, if the detection threshold is slightly relaxed, one target is detected with 2.7 sigma significance. For this radio-quiet quasar there is likely a substantial dense and warm interstellar medium; the upper limits for the three radio-loud sources do not preclude the same conclusion. Using a new, uniformly-processed database of the ISO extragalactic far-infrared spectroscopy observations, it is shown that nearby Seyfert galaxies typically have higher [O I]-to-far-infrared ratios than do normal star-forming galaxies, so the lack of strong [O I] 63 micron emission from these high-redshift ultraluminous sources cannot be attributed to their active cores.
We present the results of infrared L-band (3-4 micron) slit spectroscopy of 30 PG QSOs at z < 0.17, the representative sample of local high-luminosity, optically selected AGNs. The 3.3 micron polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature is used to probe nuclear (< a few kpc) starburst activity and to investigate the connections between AGNs and nuclear starbursts in PG QSOs. The 3.3 micron PAH emission is detected in the individual spectra of 5/30 of the observed PG QSOs. We construct a composite spectrum of PAH-undetected PG QSOs and discern the presence of the 3.3 micron PAH emission therein. We estimate the nuclear-starburst and AGN luminosities from the observed 3.3 micron PAH emission and 3.35 micron continuum luminosities, respectively, and find that the nuclear-starburst-to-AGN luminosity ratios in PG QSOs are similar to those of previously studied AGN populations with lower luminosities, suggesting that AGN-nuclear starburst connections are valid over the wide luminosity range of AGNs in the local universe. The observed nuclear-starburst-to-AGN luminosity ratios in PG QSOs with available supermassive black hole masses are comparable to a theoretical prediction based on the assumption that the growth of a supermassive black hole is controlled by starburst-induced turbulence.
We have studied the relationship between the [O IV] lambda 25.89 micron emission line luminosities, obtained from Spitzer spectra, the X-ray continua in the 2-10 keV band, primarily from ASCA, and the 14-195 keV band obtained with the SWIFT/Burst Alert Telescope (BAT), for a sample of nearby (z < 0.08) Seyfert galaxies. For comparison, we have examined the relationship between the [O III] 5007, the 2-10 keV and the 14-195 keV luminosities for the same set of objects. We find that both the [O IV] and [O III] luminosities are well-correlated with the BAT luminosities. On the other hand, the [O III] luminosities are better-correlated with 2-10 keV luminosities than are those of [O IV]. When comparing [O IV] and [O III] luminosities for the different types of galaxies, we find that the Seyfert 2s have significantly lower [O III] to [O IV] ratios than the Seyfert 1s. We suggest that this is due to more reddening of the narrow line region (NLR) of the Seyfert 2s. Assuming Galactic dust to gas ratios, the average amount of extra reddening corresponds to a hydrogen column density of ~ few times 10^21 cm^-2, which is a small fraction of the X-ray absorbing columns in the Seyfert 2s. The combined effects of reddening and the X-ray absorption are the probable reason why the [O III] versus 2-10 keV correlation is better than the [O IV] versus 2-10 keV, since the [O IV] emission line is much less affected by extinction. Overall, we find the [O IV] to be an accurate and truly isotropic indicator of the power of the AGN. This suggests that it can be useful in deconvolving the contribution of the AGN and starburst to the spectrum of Compton-thick and/or X-ray weak sources.
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