Universal Spectra of Coherent Atoms in a Recurrent Random Walk

Abstract in English

The probability of a random walker to return to its starting point in dimensions one and two is unity, a theorem first proven by G. Polya. The recurrence probability -- the probability to be found at the origin at a time t, is a power law with a critical exponent d/2 in dimensions d=1,2. We report an experiment that directly measures the Laplace transform of the recurrence probability in one dimension using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) of coherent atoms diffusing in a vapor-cell filled with buffer gas. We find a regime where the limiting form of the complex EIT spectrum is universal and only depends on the effective dimensionality in which the random recurrence takes place. In an effective one-dimensional diffusion setting, the measured spectrum exhibits power law dependence over two decades in the frequency domain with a critical exponent of 0.56 close to the expected value 0.5. Possible extensions to more elaborate diffusion schemes are briefly discussed.
