A Spectroscopic Study of Young Stellar Objects in the Serpens Cloud Core and NGC 1333

Abstract in English

We present spectral observations of 130 young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Serpens Cloud Core and NGC 1333 embedded clusters. The observations consist of near-IR spectra in the H and K-bands, from SpeX on the IRTF and far-red spectra (6000 - 9000 A) from Hectospec on the MMT. These YSOs were identified in previous Spitzer and Chandra observations, and the evolutionary classes of the YSOs were determined from the Spitzer mid-IR photometry. With these spectra, we search for corroborating evidence for the pre-main sequence nature of the objects, study the properties of the detected emission lines as a function of evolutionary class, and obtain spectral types for the observed YSOs. By comparing the positions of the YSOs in the HR diagrams with the pre-main sequence tracks of Baraffe (1998), we determine ages of the embedded sources and study the relative ages of the YSOs with and without optically thick circumstellar disks. The apparent isochronal ages of the YSOs in both clusters range from less than 1 Myr to 10 Myr, with most objects below 3 Myr. The observed distribution of ages for the Class II and Class III objects are statistically indistinguishable. We examine the spatial distribution and extinction of the YSOs as a function of their isochronal ages. We find the sources < 3 Myr to be concentrated in the molecular cloud gas while the older sources are spatially dispersed and are not deeply embedded. Nonetheless, the sources with isochronal ages > 3 Myr show all the characteristics of young stellar objects in their spectra, their IR spectral energy distributions, and their X-ray emission.
