Higgs Phenomenology of Scalar Sequestering

Abstract in English

The light Higgs mass in the MSSM is highly constrained and is predicted to be close to M_Z which causes a tension between the LEP II Higgs mass bound 114 GeV and the natural electroweak symmetry breaking in the MSSM. The usual way to increase the light CP even Higgs mass was to increase the quartic coupling of the up type Higgs. We point out that the light Higgs mass can be increased by reducing the off-diagonal term in the mass matrix when tan beta is moderate, which is about 5 to 10. As a result no mixing and/or a Higgs mixing angle of the opposite sign arises and the branching ratio of Higgs decay is drastically changed. This is possible in scalar sequestering scenario in which mu parameter can be large independently of the electroweak symmetry breaking. We also discuss the same effect in the BMSSM.
