We show how to provide suitable gauge invariant prescriptions for the classical spatial averages (resp. quantum expectation values) that are needed in the evaluation of classical (resp. quantum) backreaction effects. We also present examples illustrating how the use of gauge invariant prescriptions can avoid interpretation problems and prevent misleading conclusions.
Using our recent proposal for defining gauge invariant averages we give a general-covariant formulation of the so-called cosmological backreaction. Our effective covariant equations allow us to describe in explicitly gauge invariant form the way classical or quantum inhomogeneities affect the average evolution of our Universe.
In second order perturbation theory different definitions are known of gauge invariant perturbations in single field inflationary models. Consequently the corresponding gauge invariant cubic actions do not have the same form. Here we show that the cubic action for one choice of gauge invariant variables is unique in the following sense: the action for any other, non-linearly related variable can be brought to the same bulk action, plus additional boundary terms. These boundary terms correspond to the choice of hypersurface and generate extra, disconnected contributions to the bispectrum. We also discuss uniqueness of the action with respect to conformal frames. When expressed in terms of the gauge invariant curvature perturbation on uniform field hypersurfaces the action for cosmological perturbations has a unique form, independent of the original Einstein or Jordan frame. Crucial is that the gauge invariant comoving curvature perturbation is frame independent, which makes it extremely helpful in showing the quantum equivalence of the two frames, and therefore in calculating quantum effects in nonminimally coupled theories such as Higss inflation.
The subject of cosmological backreaction in General Relativity is often approached by coordinate-dependent and metric-based analyses. We present in this letter an averaging formalism for the scalar parts of Einsteins equations that is coordinate-independent and only functionally depends on a metric. This formalism is applicable to general 3+1 foliations of spacetime for an arbitrary fluid with tilted flow. We clarify the dependence on spacetime foliation and argue that this dependence is weak in cosmological settings. We also introduce a new set of averaged equations that feature a global cosmological time despite the generality of the setting, and we put the statistical nature of effective cosmologies into perspective.
The cosmological backreaction from perturbations is clearly gauge-dependent, and obviously depends on the choice of averaged Hubble rate. We consider two common choices of Hubble rate and advocate the use of comoving volume-preserving gauges. We highlight two examples valid to an appropriate order in perturbation theory, uniform curvature gauge, which is as close to volume-preserving as possible, and a spatially-traceless uniform cold dark matter gauge which preserves the volume to linear order. We demonstrate the strong gauge- and frame-dependences in averaging. In traceless uniform CDM gauge the backreaction exhibits a strong ultra-violet divergence and can be tuned to an arbitrary magnitude with an appropriate choice of smoothing scale. In uniform curvature gauge we find that for a choice of Hubble rate locked to the spatial surface the backreaction vanishes identically, while for a Hubble rate defined from a fluids expansion scalar the effective energy density at the current epoch in an Einstein-de Sitter universe is Omega_eff~5e-4, slightly bigger than but in broad agreement with previous results in conformal Newtonian gauge.
It is known that some cosmological perturbations are conformal invariant. This facilitates the studies of perturbations within some gravitational theories alternative to general relativity, for example the scalar-tensor theory, because it is possible to do equivalent analysis in a certain frame in which the perturbation equations are simpler. In this paper we revisit the problem of conformal invariances of cosmological perturbations in terms of the covariant approach in which the perturbation variables have clear geometric and physical meanings. We show that with this approach the conformal invariant perturbations are easily identified.