Aspects of Electron-Phonon Self-Energy Revealed from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

Abstract in English

Lattice contribution to the electronic self-energy in complex correlated oxides is a fascinating subject that has lately stimulated lively discussions. Expectations of electron-phonon self-energy effects for simpler materials, such as Pd and Al, have resulted in several misconceptions in strongly correlated oxides. Here we analyze a number of arguments claiming that phonons cannot be the origin of certain self-energy effects seen in high-$T_c$ cuprate superconductors via angle resolved photoemission experiments (ARPES), including the temperature dependence, doping dependence of the renormalization effects, the inter-band scattering in the bilayer systems, and impurity substitution. We show that in light of experimental evidences and detailed simulations, these arguments are not well founded.
