Bosonic characters of atomic Cooper pairs across resonance

Abstract in English

We study the two-particle wave function of paired atoms in a Fermi gas with tunable interaction strengths controlled by Feshbach resonance. The Cooper pair wave function is examined for its bosonic characters, which is quantified by the correction of Bose enhancement factor associated with the creation and annihilation composite particle operators. An example is given for a three-dimensional uniform gas. Two definitions of Cooper pair wave function are examined. One of which is chosen to reflect the off-diagonal long range order (ODLRO). Another one corresponds to a pair projection of a BCS state. On the side with negative scattering length, we found that paired atoms described by ODLRO are more bosonic than the pair projected definition. It is also found that at $(k_F a)^{-1} ge 1$, both definitions give similar results, where more than 90% of the atoms occupy the corresponding molecular condensates.
