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Prompt photon photoproduction at HERA within the framework of the quark Reggeization hypothesis

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 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English
 Authors V. A. Saleev

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We study the inclusive production of isolated prompt photons within the framework of the quasi-multi-Regge-kinematic approach, applying the quark Reggeization hypothesis. We describe accurately and without free parameters the transverse momentum and pseudorapidity spectra of prompt photons in the inclusive photoproduction at the HERA Collider. It is shown that the main mechanism of the inclusive prompt photon production in the gamma p collisions is the fusion of a Reggeized quark (antiquark) from the proton and a collinear antiquark (quark) from the photon into a photon, via the effective Reggeon-quark-gamma vertex. The fragmentation of the quark, which is produced via the gamma-Reggeon-quark and quark-Reggeon-quark vertices, into a photon is strongly suppressed by the isolation cone condition and it gives a significant contribution in the region of a large negative pseudorapidity only. At the stage of numerical calculations we use the Kimber-Martin-Ryskin prescription for unintegrated quark and gluon distribution functions, with the following collinear parton densities as input: MRST for a proton and GRV for a photon.

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73 - B.A. Kniehl , M.A. Nefedov , 2016
We study the photoproduction of isolated prompt photons associated with hadron jets in the framework of the parton Reggeization approach. The main improvements with respect to previous studies in the k_T-factorization framework include the application of the Reggeized-quark formalism, the generation of exactly gauge-invariant amplitudes with off-shell initial-state quarks, and the exact treatment of the gamma+R -> gamma+g box contribution with off-shell initial-state gluons. In this proceedings, the new data set, published recently by ZEUS collaboration is analyzed, were the distributions in photon and jet rapidity, transverse energy, azimuthal angle between photon and jet and proton momentum fraction are presented for different values of measured photon momentum fraction x_gamma <0.7, 0.8 and x_gamma>0.8$. The good agreement of measured distributions with our predictions is observed for the direct-dominating part of the data set. The comparison with the previous calculations in k_T-factorization, role of nonfactorizable higher-order and hadronization corrections is discussed.
Photoproduction of beauty and charm quarks in events with at least two jets has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 133 $pb^{-1}$. The fractions of jets containing b and c quarks were extracted using the invariant mass of charged tracks associated with secondary vertices and the decay-length significance of these vertices. Differential cross sections as a function of jet transverse momentum, $p_{T}^{text{jet}}$, and pseudorapidity, $eta^{text{jet}}$, were measured. The data are compared with previous measurements and are well described by next-to-leading-order QCD predictions.
We present a NLO calculation of prompt photon production in DIS. The calculation involves direct, fragmentation and resolved contributions. It is performed in the virtual-photon proton center-of-mass system. A comparison of the theoretical results with HERA data is carried out.
72 - S. Frixione 1997
We compute various kinematical distributions for one-jet and two-jet inclusive photoproduction at HERA. Our results are accurate to next-to-leading order in QCD. We use the subtraction method for the cancellation of infrared singularities. We perform a thorough study of the reliability of QCD predictions; in particular, we consider the scale dependence of our results and discuss the cases when the perturbative expansion might break down. We also deal with the problem of the experimental definition of the pointlike and hadronic components of the incident photon, and briefly discuss the sensitivity of QCD predictions upon the input parameters of the calculation, like $alpha_S$ and the parton densities.
Selected aspects of photoproduction in ep scattering at the HERA collider, studied with the ZEUS detector, are presented. The results are interpreted in the formalism of Vector Dominance Model, Regge theory and perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics.
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