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Non-singular solutions of normalized Ricci flow on noncompact manifolds of finite volume

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 Added by Fuquan Fang
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is English

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The main result of this paper shows that, if $g(t)$ is a complete non-singular solution of the normalized Ricci flow on a noncompact 4-manifold $M$ of finite volume, then the Euler characteristic number $chi(M)geq0$. Moreover, $chi(M) eq 0$, there exist a sequence times $t_ktoinfty$, a double sequence of points ${p_{k,l}}_{l=1}^{N}$ and domains ${U_{k,l}}_{l=1}^{N}$ with $p_{k,l}in U_{k,l}$ satisfying the followings: [(i)] $dist_{g(t_k)}(p_{k,l_1},p_{k,l_2})toinfty$ as $ktoinfty$, for any fixed $l_1 eq l_2$; [(ii)] for each $l$, $(U_{k,l},g(t_k),p_{k,l})$ converges in the $C_{loc}^infty$ sense to a complete negative Einstein manifold $(M_{infty,l},g_{infty,l},p_{infty,l})$ when $ktoinfty$; [(iii)] $Vol_{g(t_{k})}(Mbackslashbigcup_{l=1}^{N}U_{k,l})to0$ as $ktoinfty$.

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The Ricci flow is an evolution system on metrics. For a given metric as initial data, its local existence and uniqueness on compact manifolds was first established by Hamilton cite{Ha1}. Later on, De Turck cite{De} gave a simplified proof. In the later of 80s, Shi cite{Sh1} generalized the local existence result to complete noncompact manifolds. However, the uniqueness of the solutions to the Ricci flow on complete noncompact manifolds is still an open question. Recently it was found that the uniqueness of the Ricci flow on complete noncompact manifolds is important in the theory of the Ricci flow with surgery. In this paper, we give an affirmative answer for the uniqueness question. More precisely, we prove that the solution of the Ricci flow with bounded curvature on a complete noncompact manifold is unique.
237 - Xi-Ping Zhu 2002
In this paper we survey the recent developments of the Ricci flows on complete noncompact K{a}hler manifolds and their applications in geometry.
172 - Hao Yin 2007
This paper studies normalized Ricci flow on a nonparabolic surface, whose scalar curvature is asymptotically -1 in an integral sense. By a method initiated by R. Hamilton, the flow is shown to converge to a metric of constant scalar curvature -1. A relative estimate of Greens function is proved as a tool.
252 - Li Ma , Anqiang Zhu 2008
We consider the Ricci flow $frac{partial}{partial t}g=-2Ric$ on the 3-dimensional complete noncompact manifold $(M,g(0))$ with non-negative curvature operator, i.e., $Rmgeq 0, |Rm(p)|to 0, ~as ~d(o,p)to 0.$ We prove that the Ricci flow on such a manifold is nonsingular in any finite time.
We complete the proof of the Generalized Smale Conjecture, apart from the case of $RP^3$, and give a new proof of Gabais theorem for hyperbolic 3-manifolds. We use an approach based on Ricci flow through singularities, which applies uniformly to spherical space forms other than $S^3$ and $RP^3$ and hyperbolic manifolds, to prove that the moduli space of metrics of constant sectional curvature is contractible. As a corollary, for such a 3-manifold $X$, the inclusion $text{Isom} (X,g)to text{Diff}(X)$ is a homotopy equivalence for any Riemannian metric $g$ of constant sectional curvature.
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