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Moduli of Parabolic Higgs Bundles and Atiyah Algebroids

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 Added by Johan Martens
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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In this paper we study the geometry of the moduli space of (non-strongly) parabolic Higgs bundles over a Riemann surface with marked points. We show that this space possesses a Poisson structure, extending the one on the dual of an Atiyah algebroid over the moduli space of parabolic vector bundles. By considering the case of full flags, we get a Grothendieck-Springer resolution for all other flag types, in particular for the moduli spaces of twisted Higgs bundles, as studied by Markman and Bottacin and used in the recent work of Laumon-Ng^o. We discuss the Hitchin system, and demonstrate that all these moduli spaces are integrable systems in the Poisson sense.

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117 - Michael Thaddeus 2000
We study moduli spaces of parabolic Higgs bundles on a curve and their dependence on the choice of weights. We describe the chamber structure on the space of weights and show that, when a wall is crossed, the moduli space undergoes an elementary transformation in the sense of Mukai.
We prove a Torelli theorem for the moduli space of semistable parabolic Higgs bundles over a smooth complex projective algebraic curve under the assumption that the parabolic weight system is generic. When the genus is at least two, using this result we also prove a Torelli theorem for the moduli space of semistable parabolic bundles of rank at least two with generic parabolic weights. The key input in the proofs is a method of J.C. Hurtubise, Integrable systems and algebraic surfaces, Duke Math. Jour. 83 (1996), 19--49.
In this article we extend the proof given by Biswas and Gomez of a Torelli theorem for the moduli space of Higgs bundles with fixed determinant, to the parabolic situation.
183 - Marina Logares 2006
Let X be a compact Riemann surface together with a finite set of marked points. We use Morse theoretic techniques to compute the Betti numbers of the parabolic U(2,1)-Higgs bundles moduli spaces over X. We give examples for one marked point showing that the Poincare polynomials depend on the system of weights of the parabolic bundle.
172 - Andrea Tirelli 2017
In this paper, we study the algebraic symplectic geometry of the singular moduli spaces of Higgs bundles of degree $0$ and rank $n$ on a compact Riemann surface $X$ of genus $g$. In particular, we prove that such moduli spaces are symplectic singularities, in the sense of Beauville [Bea00], and admit a projective symplectic resolution if and only if $g=1$ or $(g, n)=(2,2)$. These results are an application of a recent paper by Bellamy and Schedler [BS16] via the so-called Isosingularity Theorem.
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